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We are constantly challenged by disturbances; as agentive actors, human beings are rendered vulnerable facing the unknown, unforeseen, and unprecedented. But there is no other way out except to reverberate within these disturbances. The perception of disturbance is always linked with disorder, confusion, and chaos, which overwhelms us with an atmosphere full of unsettling tensions. However, what we call disturbance is also where changes unfold. People forge solidarity while feeling vulnerable, learn fresh ideas when the old ones are obsolete, and create new order out of the decadent. Indeed, disturbances always vibrate our world, but so do our connections, which reverberate the warm sense of togetherness to the surrounding others. Reverberation is about intensity, but whether fleeting or enduring, we are emanating support and hope in this precarious world.



Experiencing the post-COVID world with daunting challenges, we attempt to inquire again about issues of individuals and institutions, human beings and the environment, and social injustice and inequality. Listening to the often-silenced voices, anthropologists today are still dedicated to revealing the existing forms of negotiation and resistance to structural and literal violence, highlighting the moving stories about reverberating humans in their life worlds. What is disturbing different subjects? How can we trace trajectories of disturbances in the network across the boundaries? How do people dwell in this disorienting living condition? How do human beings imagine and engender possibilities? We seek papers that aim to discuss and debate the notion of disturbance and reverberation within anthropology and related disciplines. Encouraged topics and themes include but are not limited to:



-  Political/social violence and community engagement
-  Aspirations within economic precarity 
-  The discourse of normativity and insecurity
-  Haunting heteronormativity and troubled gender
-  The disturbing globalization and ambiguous identities
-  The embodiment of vulnerability and affective connections
-  Anthropogenic interruption and conservation
-  Climate change and everyday perceptions
-  Disturbances as symbols and their (re)circulation and (re)generation
-  The echo of disturbances in history/historiography
-  Disturbance and its reflection on material culture
-  Technology as development and as disturbance
-  Disturbances in traditional and alternative medicine
-  Anthropology and its reverberation in the vibrating world

- 政治/社會暴力與社區參與
- 經濟不穩定中的渴望
- 常態性和不安定性的話語
- 陰魂不散的異性戀本位與紛擾的性別
- 焦心的全球化與模糊的身份
- 脆弱性的具身化與情感聯繫
- 人類活動造成的阻礙與保護
- 氣候變化與日常感知
- 作為象徵符號的擾動及其(再)流通和(再)生成
- 擾動在歷史/歷史學中的迴響
- 動盪及其在物質文化中的反映
- 作為發展和擾動的技術
- 傳統與替代醫療中的擾動
- 人類學及其在顫動世界中的迴響


These are a few specific approaches to the theme of disturbance and reverberation, and we wish to hear more perspectives and interpretations. As anthropologists we aspire to unsettle commonsensical notions and even “disturbance” and “reverberation” themselves, hoping to vibrate/liberate our minds from the burden of hierarchical norms. And most importantly, we seek the vibratory energy that you bring.




The 16th Forum Committee
CHEN Tiankuang
LYU Zihan
CHEN Wenzhao
Juliette WU


Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Contact us
NAH 407, Humanities Building, New Asia College,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T.
Hong Kong

Email: anthforum@cuhk.edu.hk