JRCCLAL 2019 Lecture Series (17)
The CUHK-BLCU Joint Research Centre for Chinese Linguistics and Applied Linguistics will hold the following lectures at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Details are as follows:
(1) Title: 清詞的入樂理想與實踐
Speaker: Liu Shen (XingJian College of Science and Liberal Arts of Guangxi University; Visiting scholar of Chinese University of HK)
(2) Title: 五臣注《文選》與唐代比興政治化的解詩傳統
Speaker: Lu Chia Hui (City University of HongKong)
Date: 9 Sep, 2019 (Monday)
Time: 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Location: FKH 101, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
All are welcome!