Chief Editor
Xue Yu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Executive Editor
TONG Sau-lin (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Year of Publication
Xue Yu |
Dialectical Centrism: Buddhist Response to the Controversy between Anthropocentrism and Eco-centrism |
Tong Sau Lin |
A Mahāyāna Bodhisattva’s Viewpoint for Pluralism in the Context of Global Citizenship |
Bryan Levman |
Lexical Ambiguities in the Buddhist Teachings, an Example & Methodology |
賈晉華 |
傳世唐五代禪宗寺規及其對當代人間佛教寺院倫理的啟示意義 |
鄭志明 |
台灣寺院經濟資源的運用問題 |
聖凱 |
佛教經濟倫理芻議——以韋伯命題與方法為中心 |
陳平坤 |
聖嚴法師所倡「心靈環保」的中華禪精神 |
孫國柱 |
解讀共生——以藏傳佛教三勝獸象徵符號為媒介 |
孫昌武 |
賈晉華《古典禪研究:中唐至五代禪宗發展新探》 |