Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, The Chinese University of Hong Kong



The main purpose for the birth of Shakyamuni Buddha is to bring the wisdom of Buddhism to this world, to eliminate people’s ignorance and to show us the path to enlightenment.

Those who wish to study Buddhism should not rush the process. One should first concentrate on leading a happy life, before pursuing the dream of attaining higher levels of enlightenment. It does not matter if it is Transcendental or Mundane, it is all based on the happenings of this world. Arts and literature have long been the medium used to practice and spread the word of Buddhism, and they have made it more palatable and welcomed in this country.

The widespread of Buddhism in China largely owed to the fact that people incorporated the teachings of Buddhism into the Chinese culture. For example, in China, another name for Shakyamuni Buddha is translated into a more localized version (in Chinese 釋迦文佛), which made it more approachable to the general Chinese population. Confucianism was also used to explain the teachings of Buddhism. Until the late Tang dynasty and Five Dynasties, other than preaching, arts and culture were used to promote and popularize Buddhism to people in all walks of life in Dunhuang areas, which ultimately achieved the goal of bringing benefit and joy to all sentient beings.

“Picture of eight stages of Buddha’s progress (八相成道), is one of the well-known works, is a great demonstration of combining arts, literature and Buddhism. To increase the diversity of preaching, doctrine of Humanistic Buddhism has to combine with arts and literature from now on.” said Master Hsing Yun. He added “Literature and arts which can beautify human lives and Buddhism, as well as makes Buddhism full of vitality have great influence on preaching.” Master Hsing Yun emphasizes the use of arts and literature to gain the general public’s affirmation towards Buddhism.

The Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism in the Chinese University of Hong Kong is dedicated to facilitate researches of Humanistic Buddhism and has held numerous international conferences, forums as well as has published a myriad of scholarly works. The center is currently offering a Master degree in Buddhist studies to nourish more young Buddhist scholars. It also provides funding and other support to ensure the advancement and enrichment of the research in Buddhism. Furthermore, to spread Buddhism to the next generation, the Centre holds meditation camps, tea meditation workshops and calligraphy classes etc. The Centre needs to prepare materials used in the above calligraphy classes, and thus, the Center has decided to publish Humanistic Buddhism: Arts and Literature Series to publish works in Chinese or English that are related to arts, literature and Humanistic Buddhism. This series is made for the general public to read and use to further the mission of spreading Humanistic Buddhism.

Chen Chien Huang
Director, Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism
The Chinese University of Hong Kon
12th December, 2018