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What is Cultural Management

Cultural Management is a broad field which aims to cultivate cultural awareness and diversity and to bring culture to meet public needs and enjoyment. This bachelor programme offers an interdisciplinary learning environment to engage students with theories, arts-based knowledge, and transferable skills. It focuses on three areas of Cultural Management:

1. Antiquities and Heritage Management
2. Cultural Institutions and Curation
3. Cultural and Creative Industries

Recently there has been a growing interest in the potential contribution of the arts and culture to sustainable development, cultural diversity and global economy. In the present century, our economy is relying heavily on the developments of cultural and creative industries. Social awareness towards cultural authenticity, entirety and diversity, is also on the rise. There is a growing number of cultural infrastructure which include not only museums, but also large-scale cultural districts, small-sized community arts space, and public areas designated for socio-culture facilities. Thus, there is a pressing need to shape students of humanities with visions, expertise, sensibility, and ethics to serve as the mediators between the public and cultural productions. They will form the core “cultural software of our city”.

This BA programme emphasizes cross-disciplinary studies. It aims to educate and train this new breed of cultural leaders and mediators to interpret, define and defend cultures. With senses and respects for different cultures, they will commit to develop local culture from the perspectives of Fine Arts, Anthropology, History, Archaeology, Cultural Studies or any combinations of the above.

UBS Digital Insights program from Art Basel in Hong Kong

As the world continues to grapple with the effects of the pandemic, the art world too has had to acclimatize to one of the most restrictive moments in modern history. From digital viewing platforms to webinars, from virtual showrooms to satellite booths, the cultural sphere has adapted to current circumstances, reinventing itself. Meanwhile the core purpose of art itself: to inspire, communicate ideas, and challenge the status quo has gained renewed importance.

Within this context, UBS spoke to some of Asia’s leading cultural figures, to explore the different facets of resilience. One of the most powerful connectors between this diverse group is the passion and sense of purpose that each of them possess. To them, success is often defined by the idea of growth and partnership, between gallerist and artist, between culture and entrepreneurship, and between patron and artist.

Watch the video.

*Source: UBS Contemporary Art, May 2021*

上網問功課 同行抗疫:第二十集






*資料來源 : 香港電台*

【種族共融】南亞族網上展訴家鄉往事 「巴基斯坦少人喺街食煙」



撰文:呂凝敏 *資料來源 : 香港01*