
[New Course info] CUMT3003 New Media Arts Management — 2nd term, 2022-23

The course aims to provide basic introduction of media arts management to the students, enhance their knowledge towards the understandings of the art and cultural environment in Hong Kong based on the global media arts development. The objective is to introduce the importance of how management skills could be applied in creative industries, and how the management processes enhance a media art project from curatorial idea to execution. The course will also provide an overall picture to the students about the current media arts global scene and serve as a basic foundation to enhance their understandings and interest in the arts and cultural field.

Joel Kwong is an international media art curator, writer, producer and educator based in Hong Kong. She is currently the Programme Director for Microwave International
New Media Arts Festival (, and the founder of SIBYLS – a creative Arts x Tech consultation and production agency. Joel has a strong belief in art and technology, and her curated projects have been shown in many different cities around the globe; most recent projects includes Future Media Art Festival in Taiwan, Microwave Festival edition 2021, Glow Shenzhen online media art showcase “Fireflies: The Glowing Dots”, Connecting the Dots – a media art archaeology online exhibition & website etc.

Time : Wed 15:30 – 18:15
Venue : Y.C. Liang Hall G06
Medium of instruction : Cantonese
Course Instructor : Ms. Joel KWONG