Feedback from Students

CHU Kwan Long, Kineks: Tampere, Finland
(OAL Exchange Programme)


從30度到零下30度、從生活節奏急促到慢條斯理、從滿街華人到白膚金髮,這半年在一個與香港截然不同的城市—芬蘭的坦佩雷 (Tampere)當交流生的日子,實在難忘。學習被指歐洲最難學的語言—芬蘭語、試過在冰天雪地跳入冰湖、走出宿舍抬頭便可看到北極光、跟來自巴西的朋友學跳森巴舞、看冰上曲棍球比賽、遊歷歐洲各地……文化與生活上的差異,沒有令我退縮,反而讓我好奇,使我更有勇氣超越自己、更熱衷去體驗各種新事物。

LEUNG Hin Yan, Zoe: Lausanne, Switzerland
(UC College Exchange Programme)

University of Lausanne



HO Wing Wa, Wena: Toronto, Canada
(College Exchange Programme)


多倫多是我從沒想過踏足的地方。那裡文化多元,沒有人會問你從哪裡來;大學功課繁重,學生們聽課一字不漏地打筆記,但週末還是會派對狂歡;店舖假日會關門,人們有的是family life。這趟交流,我行過結冰積雪的湖,吃過用樹枝拮的s’more,坐上過以為會被打劫的的士,用十八磅乾冰做了關於李波事件的裝置藝術,還交了些朋友。最冷的冬天在魁北克城,最熱的夏天在美國加州,最美好的體驗是在這個應份任性的年紀,當一趟大學交換生。加拿大是我會想念的地方,那裡的我沒有壓力,只有不斷探索和成長。

TSUI Sze Yuet, Phoebe: Örebro, Sweden
(Chung Chi College Exchange Programme)

I joined the exchange programme to the Örebro University of Sweden in year 2015-2016. The programme is offered by my college (Chung Chi), in which students can have more choices on one-year programme that allow a deeper immersion into the local culture. Besides the convenience of travelling around Europe, participating in the orientation programme there as both new student (1st term) and organiser (2nd term) is unforgettable too. As it make me built up friendships with both the local and international students from different cultural background, which is one of the best part of my exchange experience.

CHEUNG Tze Yau, Louis: Taipei, Taiwan
(CUMT Cultural Exchange Programme)


I am a fresh graduate student from Cultural Management Programme in 2016. I participated a short exchange programme to Taiwan in May 2015. This five-day-long exchange programme was organized by our department and Taipei National University of the Arts. In this exchange programme, I visited several Cultural Parks (文創園區) in Taipei such as Songshan Cultural and Creative Park (松山文創園區) and Huashan 1914 Creative Park (華山1914文化創意產業園區). I was glad to visit some graduation exhibitions held by undergraduate students who are studying in Taipei. I had an opportunity to explore their exhibitions which were related to Comics designs, Music and Dance performing arts fields. This experience inspires me to explore and reflect the connection between cultural and creative industries and our major subject Cultural Management.

CHU Kei Tin: Beijing, China
(CUMT Cultural Exchange Programme)
