Prof. CHAN Sau Yan
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CUMT4101 文化專題:古物與文物遺產管理
Prof. CHAN Yuk Keung, Kurt
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Prof Chan is a retired professor after teaching 27 years in the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK. He is a practicing artist and an art educator, who has participated in over 100 exhibitions which include The 51st Venice Biennale and the chief editors of the Hong Kong Visual Art Yearbook for several years. Now serving as member of board of directors of Para/Site, Sau Kee School of Creativity and Rooftop Institute.
Course Taught
Fall Term, 2017-18:
CUMT4101 Special Topics in Cultural Management: Art in Public Realm
Dr. CHAN Chun Kwok, Hugo
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Dr. Hugo Chan holds degrees in architecture, business administration, urban planning and built heritage conservation, and he is one of the few Hong Kong and Mainland China based professional practitioners with well-rounded expertise in the key disciplines of the built environment field. A Registered Town Planner with extensive private practice experience in architectural, conservation and urban revitalization projects in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou, he was appointed a key consultant for the Yangon Heritage Trust and co-authored the conservation master-plan for the city of Yangon, entitled Yangon Heritage Strategy: Combining Conservation and Development to Create Asia’s Most Liveable City (published in August 2016). His research interests cover vernacular architecture, historic urban landscapes, heritage management and urban conservation in Asia.
Course Taught
Spring Term, 2021-22:
CUMT4101 Special Topics in Antiquities and Heritage Management
Joel Kwong, a media art curator and art consultant, received her Master Degree in Cultural Management at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is currently the Programme Director of Microwave International New Media Arts Festival, Artistic Director of Transmedia Department (Asia Pacific) of Sun Mobile Communication Ltd., and also a board member of Videotage (media artist collective). She has been the Visiting Fellow at Hong Kong Design Institute to focus on the set up and development of Transmedia Programme in 2014-2015, and managed Input/ Output, a media arts gallery and consultancy based in Hong Kong from 2010 to 2014, and she was the Vice Chairperson of Art Gallery in Siggraph Asia 2011. An experienced practitioner in curating, producing and managing various mega art and design event, art festival, exhibition tour, public show, concert and stage performance. In 2011, she produced concert tour for a Japanese Device Art Pioneering Group –Maywa Denki, in both HK & Taipei. And also, in 2012, she curated and produced the Asia tour of UK live cinema group –circumstance, which included Xiamen, HK & Taipei. In 2013-2014, she curated and produced art projects around ASIA, collaborative units include Museum of Contemporary Art in Taipei, Eslite in both Taipei and Taichung, NIKE etc. She has been given talks and lectures in schools, festivals and universities, including National University of Taiwan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HKICC, Baptist University and the University of Eletro-communications in Tokyo etc. Currently, she is also a part-time lecturer for MA in Cultural Management in Chinese University of Hong Kong.
She always believes that art is the key to make a better world.
Course Taught
Spring Term, 2022-23:
CUMT3003 New Media Arts Management
Dr. LAW Miu Lan
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Dr. Law is a scholar, engaging herself in teaching, practice and research in drama, theatre, performance and communication studies.
Apart from teaching in the BA Programme in Cultural Management at The Chinese University of Hong Kong since 2016, she is also a staff member in the programme of Master of Arts in Theatre Studies at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. Since the 1990s, she has participated in over 20 drama productions and other types of performances, practising acting and performing, devising and dramaturge, directing and coordinating, translation and interpreting, producing and organizing, mentoring and supervising, education and research development etc. for various societies, companies, institutions, as well as festivals in Hong Kong, the USA and Germany. She has been invited to hold lectures and present papers in various international symposia, conferences and seminars held by different university departments, research institutions and theatre companies in Amsterdam, Baku, Berlin, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Hong Kong, Leipzig, London, Mannheim and Stockholm. Her theatre critiques and research essays are published in academic journals, cultural and art review magazines and online in Germany, China and Hong Kong.
She is currently an examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council in the specialties of drama, arts education, arts criticism and arts administration.
Course Taught
Fall Term, 2022-23:
CUMT 4201 Special Topics in Cultural Institutions and Curation
Courses & Workshops (Selected)
.Comparative Approaches in Drama and Performance Studies
.Theatre and Production
.Introduction to Global Studies II: Global Media
.Multi-Cultural Music Theatre Project
.Globalization, Cultures and Societies
.《公司感謝你》 [The Company Thanks]
.Western Theatre in Contemporary Hong Kong Performances
.布萊希特和《高加索灰闌記》 [Brecht & The Caucasian Chalk Circle]
.Theater der 60er und 70er Jahre – Modelle für Heute [Theatre in the 60s and 70s – Models for Today]
Recent Publications (Selected)
Zu einer Ästhetik des Hybriden: Eine Geschichte der Verflechtung von deutschen Theaterkünstlern mit chinesischer Theaterkultur im frühen 21. Jahrhundert [Towards a Hybrid Aesthetics: A History of Interweaving by German Theatre Artists with Chinese Theatre Cultures in the Early 21st Century]. Dissertation Online of the Freie Universität Berlin, 2011.
Book Chapters/Journal Articles
<德语舞台上的华文戏剧>[The Chinese Drama on the German Stage], Shanghai Art Review, 2016(3).
The Interweaving of the German and Chinese Theatre Cultures in the Early 21st Century, in K. Levy (eds.), Deutsch-chinesische Beziehungen, Berliner China-Hefte – Chinese History and Society, 2011(39), 59-80.
Von der Flucht zum Weltbild eines >Kosmopoliten<: Eine Verknüpfung der Theaterperformance fluchtVERSUCHE mit den Texten und dem Leben von Gao Xingjian [From the Escape to the Worldview of a Cosmopolitan: A Connection of the Theatre Performance fluchtVERSUCHE with Gao Xingjian’s Texts and Life], in V.-I. Reinwand and C. Knoll (eds.), Forschung trifft Literatur: Aktuelle Forschungsthemen im Spiegel literarischer Werke, 2011, 153-166.
Reviews and Critiques
Journey towards Music Theatre, starting from OASIZ, House Program of the Multi-Cultural Music Theatre Performance OASIZ, 2022.
<基因訂製嬰兒的預演 ── 《學會呼吸》>[The Rehearsal of genetically Designer-Baby — Ya can Breathe!!], House Program of the Theatrical Performance Ya can Breathe!!, 2021.
<一道透过叙事和场面教人反思差异的习题>[A Problem that Teaches us to Reflect on Differences via Narration and Scene], Shanghai Art Review, 2018(5).
<怪誕和反諷 — 析當代德國諷刺劇公司感謝你>[Grotesque and Irony: Analysis of the Contemporary German Satire Die Firma dankt], House Program of the Theatre Performance Die Firma dankt, 2018.
<紀錄劇場也可以感性>[Documentary Theatre can also be Emotional], Reviews Online of International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong), 2017.
<戲劇學指導的三言兩語: 賦權多面觀> [A Few Words by the Supervisor of Theatre Studies: Empowerment from Various Points of View], House Program of the Theatre Performance The Caucasian Chalk Circle, 2016.
Invited Talks
Moderator in the Talk “Documents of the Third Reich: Documentary Theatre and Historical Documents”, invited by The Centre for Cultural Studies of CUHK, May 18, 2018.
Speaker in the Talk “「布萊希特和今天的香港」[Brecht and Today’s Hong Kong]”, invited by Touch Theatre, Aug 12, 2016.
Jeff Leung Chin Fung is an independent curator who teaches theories of arts, visual culture and arts administration at local universities on a part-time basis. Jeff, the member of the International Association of Art Critics Hong Kong, often contributes exhibition reviews and curates exhibitions in diverse formats, including ‘Common SENse:
an arts bus exhibition about neurodiversity’ (2021) which promotes inclusive arts and the K11 Art Mall’s inaugural show ‘Hiking Arte’ (2009) inside the shopping mall. Jeff has been worked for exhibition administration and coordination at different art organisations (including the Hong Kong Arts Centre and Para/Site Art Space), as well as oversea projects including, the pavilion of Para/Site Art Space (a Hong Kong art organisation) in Kwangju Biennale (Korea, 2002) and the Hong Kong Pavilion in Venice Biennale (Italy, 2003).
Course Taught
Fall Term, 2022-23:
CUMT 3001 Visual Arts Management
Dr. TING Wing Yan, Vivian
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As an independent curator and researcher, Vivian works with universities and art organizations to develop curatorial projects that encourage multiple narratives of local history, articulated through creative means. She trained as a historian at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and particularly interested in exploring communication and interpretation of material culture in cross-cultural context. In considering what the arts and culture means to the public and how to articulate multiple voices of the city, she has been writing about arts and culture on various platforms (e.g., and developing art projects, such as Sparkle! Let’s Art (2015, Oi!) and Talkover/Handover 2.0 (2017, 1A Space).
Course Taught
Fall Term, 2021-22:
CUMT4008 Advanced Museum Studies
Dr. TU Shiu Hong, Simon
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Trained as an anthropologist, Dr. Simon Tu holds degrees in design culture and theory, anthropology, and Japanese studies. He has conducted extensive research on art festivals and other cultural activities for social purposes in Japan, and was invited by a Japanese nonprofit organization to join as a staff member for the Setouchi Triennale in 2016. His earlier research discusses artist space in Hong Kong. Tu’s research interests include the arts in urban and rural revitalization in Japan, Japanese visual cultures, and socially-engaged art. Before embarking on his academic journey, he was an active classical music critic.
Course Taught
Spring Term, 2021-22:
CUMT4005 Art and Propaganda