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Major Requirement

Applicable to students admitted in 2022-23

Students are required to complete a minimum of 72 units of courses as follows:

1. Faculty Package:                9 units
CUMT1000 and any two courses from:
ANTH1020, ARTS1004, 1005, BMBL1001, CHES1100, CHLL1900 or 1902, CURE1000, 1110, ENGE1000, FAAS1900, HIST1000, 1700, JASP1090, LING1000, MUSC1000, PHIL1110, THEO1000, TRAN1000

2. Required Courses:            21 units
CUMT1001, 1002, 1003, 4001, 4102 (Capstone Course), MGNT1020, MKTG2010

3. Elective Courses [a]:         42 units

  1. Any 9 units from Area 1
  2. Any 9 units from Area 3
  3. Any 12 units from Area 4 [b]
  4. Any 12 units of CUMT courses, with at least 9 units at 2000 or above level [c]

Total: 72 units

Explanatory Notes:
1. ANTH, CUMT, CURE, ENGE, FAAS, JASP, MGNT, MKTG, courses at 2000 and above level will be included in the calculation of Major GPA for honours classification.

[a] Courses which count towards the fulfillment of the requirements specified in 1. Faculty Package and 2. Required Courses above cannot be counted towards the fulfillment of the requirements specified in 3. Elective Courses.

[b] Students can declare a concentration in one of the following concentrations/special studies if they successfully complete 12 units from the same concentration:
i. Antiquities and Heritage Management;
ii. Cultural Institutions and Curation; and
iii. Cultural and Creative Industries

[c] Courses which count towards the fulfillment of the elective course requirements specified in 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c) cannot be counted towards the fulfillment of the elective course requirements specified in 3(d).

Study Schemes: (PDF)

Applicable to students admitted in 2016-17

Major Programme Requirement (for Associate Degree holders)

Students are required to complete a minimum of 54 units of courses as follows:

1. Required Courses:           12 units
CUMT1002, 4001, MGNT1020, MKTG2010

2. Elective Courses [a]:        42 units

  1. Any 6 units from Area 1, with at least 3 units at 2000 or above level
  2. Any 9 units from Area 2 [b], with at least 6 units at 2000 or above level
  3. Any 12 units from Area 3
  4. Any 12 units from Area 4 [c]
  5. CUMT4102 or 4103

Total: 54 units

Explanatory Notes:
1. ANTH, CHLL, CUMT, CURE, ENGE, FAAS, FREN, GERM, HIST, JASP, KORE, LING, MGNT, MKTG, MUSC, PHIL, SPAN, THEO, TRAN courses at 2000 and above level will be included in the calculation of Major GPA for honours classification.

[a] Courses which count towards the fulfillment of the requirements specified in 1. Required Courses above cannot be counted towards the fulfillment of the requirements specified in 2. Elective Courses.

[b] Area 2 includes the courses offered by any Major / Minor Programme under the Faculty of Arts, except Faculty Package courses.

[c] Students can declare a concentration in one of the following concentrations / special studies if they successfully complete 12 units from the same concentration:
i.   Cultural Heritage, Conservation and Cultural Tourism;
ii.  Cultural Institutions and Programming; and
iii. Cultural and Creative Industries


Major Programme Requirement (for Higher Diploma holders)

Students are required to complete a minimum of 51 units of courses as follows:

1. Required Courses:             12 units
CUMT1002, 4001, MGNT1020, MKTG2010

2. Elective Courses [a]:         39 units

  1. Any 3 units at 2000 or above level from Area 1
  2. Any 9 units from Area 2 [b], with at least 6 units at 2000 or above level
  3. Any 12 units from Area 3
  4. Any 12 units from Area 4 [c]
  5. CUMT4102 or 4103

Total: 51 units

Explanatory Notes:
1. ANTH, CHLL, CUMT, CURE, ENGE, FAAS, FREN, GERM, HIST, JASP, KORE, LING, MGNT, MKTG, MUSC, PHIL, SPAN, THEO, TRAN courses at 2000 and above level will be included in the calculation of Major GPA for honours classification.

[a] Courses which count towards the fulfillment of the requirements specified in 1. Required Courses above cannot be counted towards the fulfillment of the requirements specified in 2. Elective Courses.

[b] Area 2 includes the courses offered by any Major /Minor Programme under the Faculty of Arts, except Faculty Package courses.

[c] Students can declare a concentration in one of the following concentrations / special studies if they successfully complete 12 units from the same concentration:
i.   Cultural Heritage, Conservation and Cultural Tourism;
ii.  Cultural Institutions and Programming; and
iii. Cultural and Creative Industries

Study Schemes: (PDF)