[New Course info] CUMT4005 Art and Propaganda — 2nd term, 2021-22
The course introduces the histories, theories, and debates about cultural activities for social and political causes. It investigates the relationship between cultural expressions and the infrastructure of power, and the application of arts and culture for social or political purposes. Apart from historical background prior to the twentieth century, the course covers movements such as USSR and the Chinese propaganda movements, propaganda during wartime Japan, the arts for civil right movements since the 1960s, and the emergence of socially-engaged arts since the 1990s. Case studies of similar movements in Hong Kong will also be included. At the end of this course, students should be able to critically assess the methods, content, and debates about cultural activities in specific sociopolitical contexts.
Dr. Simon Tu
Trained as an anthropologist, Dr. Simon Tu holds degrees in design culture and theory, anthropology, and Japanese studies. He has conducted extensive research on art festivals and other cultural activities for social purposes in Japan, and was invited by a Japanese nonprofit organization to join as a staff member for the Setouchi Triennale in 2016. His earlier research discusses artist space in Hong Kong. Tu’s research interests include the arts in urban and rural revitalization in Japan, Japanese visual cultures, and socially-engaged art. Before embarking on his academic journey, he was an active classical music critic.
Time : Wed 15:30 – 18:15
Venue : Lady Shaw Bldg C3
Course Instructor : Dr. Simon TU
Language of Instruction : Cantonese and English