
[New Course info] CUMT4004 Archaeology and Modern Applications — 2nd term, 2022-23

Archaeology is an intriguing topic. In this course, students are led to analyze the presentation of Chinese archaeological materials in different modern forms, which are namely, world heritage sites, archaeological parks (e.g., Erlitou二里頭, Panlongcheng盤龍城, Yinxu殷墟, and Sanxingdui三星堆), auction houses (Christie’s佳士得, Sotheby’s蘇富比, and Jiade嘉德), antique shops (e.g., those in the Hollywood Road荷李活道), site museums as well as movies, novels, documentary films, and multi-disciplinary initiatives (e.g., the projects on Xia-Shang-Zhou chronology夏商周斷代工程 and the origins of Chinese civilization中華文明探源工程). Each class picks up a representative topic and a form of modern expression for discussions. With NO pre-requisite, this course invites you to be Sherlock Holmes of the past. From the perspectives of archaeology, art history, history, and cultural management, it is tailored to cross disciplinary boundaries between heritage and contemporary issues. Parallel case studies from other fields of study (e.g., the Trojan Archaeology特洛伊考古 and Biblical Archaeology 聖經考古) will also be included for certain related topics. The course will get students to apply the designs and innovations of ancient China to areas, which they may find interests that will eventually get in touch with the wide public.

Time : Wed 12:30 – 15:15
Venue : William M W Mong Eng Bldg 706
Medium of instruction : English and Putonghua
Course Instructor : Prof. Peng Peng