
[New Course info] CUMT4201 Special Topics in Cultural Institutions and Curation — 1st term, 2022-23

The course “Theatre and Production” introduces the nature and significance of theatre as well as the relationships of theatre institution with cultural policy and globalisation. It also covers the managerial aspects of theatre production, such as programming, fundraising, outreach and education, etc. The current curatorial practice of “cultural exchange” in local and global contexts and the crisis management of “theatre goes digital” during the pandemic are explored as well. Besides, fieldtrips at theatres and guest sharing sessions by theatre practitioners are organised for students to interpret performances or reflect the challenges faced by theatre-makers in a globalised world.

Dr. Miu Lan Law
Dr. Miu Lan Law is a theatre scholar (teaching, practice and research). Apart from teaching in the BA Programme in Cultural Management at CUHK since 2016, she is also a guest lecturer in the programme of Master of Arts in Theatre Studies at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. Since the 1990s, she has conducted theatre practices in over 20 productions and performances for various societies, companies, institutions, as well as festivals in Hong Kong, the USA and Germany. Her theatre critiques and research essays are published in academic journals, cultural and art review magazines and online in Hong Kong, Germany and China.

Time : Tue 15:30 – 18:15
Venue : William M W Mong Eng Bldg 405
Medium of instruction : English and Cantonese
Course Instructor : Dr. LAW Miu Lan