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副教授, 課程主任


B.F.A. (School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA), M.Phil (LingU), PhD (CityU)
3943 1926


梁教授身兼藝術家、策展人及藝術文化研究學者,於美國芝加哥藝術學院取得美術學位榮譽院士。2013年獲委任為錄映太奇的主席,推動並參與電子藝術交流協會藝術節(ISEA Festival)、Loop巴塞羅那、Clockenflap和巴塞爾藝術博覽會。梁教授過去曾執教理論和工作室課程,涵蓋媒體藝術、策展、展覽研究和文化理論等領域。研究興趣包括當代藝術、文化史學、藝術管理、文化產業和藝術市場。


當代藝術、策展、展覽研究、藝術與科技、新媒體、藝術史、文化史學史、藝術管理、文化工業、藝術市場、 酷兒理論、批判理論及文化研究


秋季學期 (2022-23):
CUMT 1003  藝術發展及政策
CUMT 2007  策展導論

春季學期 (2022-23):
CUMT 2009  藝術市場導論
CUMT 3005  策展計劃及實踐



2015-present HKADC Examiner


Competitive Grants

2018 Principal Investigator, An Ethnographic Study on Chinese Private Museums in the Context of the China’s Recent Cultural Policies, Research Grant Council, 01/01/2018—present.
2017 Principal Investigator, Summer Repository Research Fellowship, Institute of Advanced Studies, Indiana University, August, 2017.
2017 Chairman, Videotage, 3-year Grant, Hong Kong Arts Development Council. 01/07/2017—present.



2019 Ethnography of Contemporary Chinese Art. In Contemporary Art and Visual Culture in Global Asia. London: IB Tauri.
2018 “Sham Shui Po: Tactical urbanism or a precursor to gentrification?”. In Jurgen Krusche and Siu King Chung eds. Deep Water – Public Spaces in Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong. MCCM: Hong Kong, pp. 21-29.


2016 Leung, I. H. (n.d.). “The Observer’s Paradox?”. Superposition by Ryoji Ikeda. International Association of Theatre Critics Journal. (
2016 New Vision and Renewed Optimism. In New Vision Arts Festival 2016 Critics’ Guide. Hong Kong: International Association of Theatre Critics.
2016 “Productive culture from the bottom up”. In Hong Kong Art. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Arts Development Council.


“Creating a brave new art world”. Artism. International Association of Theatre Critics, 3. (
2011 “One World Exposition. In Between Hong Kong and China – mediation as a world-making process”. Art In China The International Art & Culture Foundation of Spain, (5)
2009 “The Representation of Sex Machines”. In Do Androids Sleep with Electric Sheep? San Francisco, CA: RE/Search Publication.


2017 Speaker, “Art & Activism: Resilience Techniques in Times of Crisis,” Museum Volkenkunde (National Museum of Ethnology), Leiden, Netherlands.
2017 Panel Chair, “International Arts Leadership Roundtable 2017,” Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Hong Kong.
2017 Speaker, “When art meets technology: innovation and collaboration ,” “2017 Cultural Leadership Summit – Building Our Future Audience,” Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, Hong Kong.
2017 Speaker, “Archiving: local history in an international context,” Indiana University Library Screening Room, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United States.
2017  Speaker, “What role can art play in creating social change in the age of information technology,” “SGC International Conference,” Delta and Loews Hotel, Atanta, United States.
2017 Speaker, ” 當下 · 影像文化,” “Kulture Salon11 – Images X Art X Culture,” K11 Art Mall, Hong Kong, China.
2017 Speaker, “China Remixed – Curatorial Talk,” Global and International Studies Building Auditorium, Indiana University, Indiana, United States.
2016 Speaker, “Power of Collaboration,” “Janus Cinematheque,” IAA & Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong, China.
2016 Speaker, “A Curators Cut: The Innovation Generation and the Platforms it supports,” “Art World Forum 2017 – South Island Art Day,” Art World Forum, Hotel Ovolo Southside, Hong Kong.
2016 Speaker, “Symposium,” “Time Test International Video Art Research Exhibition,” China, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China.
2016 Moderator, “Arts Management Seminar Series: Cultural Heritage at Your Fingertips in The Mobile-first World,” Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association, Google Hong Kong Office, Hong Kong.
2016 Speaker, “Salon Talk Panel Discussion,” Art Basel Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, Hong Kong.
2016 Respondent, “International Arts Leadership Roundtable 2016,” Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Hong Kong.
2016 Speaker, “You Must Create – Boredom, Shanzhai, Digitalization in the Time of ‘Creative China’,” Department of Humanities and Creative Writing of Baptist University of Hong Kong and University of Amsterdam, West Kowloon Art District, Hong Kong, China.
2015 Speaker, “From Culture to Business, and Vice Versa,” The First Global Creative Industries Conference, The Global Creative Industries Programme, School of Modern Languages and Culture of The University of Hong Kong, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
2015 Speaker, “Panel Discussion: Survival Strategies of Independent Art Spaces,” The Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China.
2015 Speaker, “Panel Discussion: Asian Maps Programme,” ARCO Contemporary Art Fair, Feria de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.


2018 Curator, “Art Basel Film Program – Screening Program,” (Nam June Paik, Danny Yung, May Fung, etc), Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
2018 Curator, “Connective Videos,” “Connective Videos,” Goethe Institut Hong Kong.
2018 Curator, “One World Exposition 2.2,” “#you #me 3ourSELFIES,” Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Visual Art Center, Hong Kong.
2017 Curator, “都市游牧”2017杭州良渚动态影像展,” Liangzhu Village Cultural Art Center, Hangzhou, China.
2017 Curator, “The spirit of our time,” Clockenflap, Central Harbor Front, Hong Kong.
2017 Curator, “31 June 1997 – A solo exhibition by David Clarke,” Videotage, Cattle Depot Artist Village, Hong Kong.
2017 Curator, “One World Exposition: #like4like,” K11 Art Foundation and Videotage, K11 Art Mall, Hong Kong.
2017 Curator, “China Remixed: a large-scale public screen project,” Indiana University, various locations in Indiana University, Indiana, United States.
2017 Curator, “GREATER China,” Casa Asia, Cinema Girona, Barcelona, Spain.
2016 Curator, “Film Program,” Clockenflap, Central Harbour Front, Hong Kong.
2016 Curator, “Time Test International Video Art Research Exhibition,” (Hong Kong section) Redtory Art Museum, Guangzhou, China.
2016 Curator, “Shenzhen New Media Art Festival 2016,” (screening program) various locations, Shenzhen, China.
2016  Curator, “Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennial,” (screening program) OCAT, Shenzhen, China.
2016 Curator, “Final Frontiers,” Videotage and Videoclub, Taiwan Power Company (Taipei), in89 Pier-2 Cinema (Kaohsiung), SongEun ArtSpace (Seoul), British Council (Hong Kong), Boom Art Gallery Bar (Hong Kong), Ray Art Centre (Shanghai), Minsheng Art Museum (Beijing), Woolloomooloo (Taipei), Fabrica (Brighton), Exeter (Phoenix), ICA (London) and Phoenix (Leicester).
2016 Curator, “Time Test International Video Art Research Exhibition,” (Hong Kong section) China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China.
2016 Curator, “Both Sides Now,” (screening program, Hong Kong section) Loop Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
2015-16  Curator, “Art Basel Crowdfunding,” Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong.
2015 Curator, “Victoria’s Secret,’ (screening program) Clockenflap, West Kowloon Art District, Hong Kong.
2015 Curator, “Jimei X Arles: East West Encounters International Photo Festival,’ exhibition, Hong Kong section) Xiamen, China.
2015 Curator, “Loop Festival,” (screening program) Loop Festival, Barcelona, Spain.


2018 Conference paper reviewer, Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts 2018, Durban, South Africa.
2016  Conference paper reviewer, Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts 2016, Hong Kong.