Highlight of Projects Leading by CUMT Staff
粵劇在疫後展新篇章 「香港粵劇在新冠疫情危機中的傳承」研究報告暨新書發佈會 (鍾明恩教授主講)
2019 冠狀病毒病令香港粵劇界受到史無前例的衝擊,劇場被迫關閉,演出全面停頓,從業員生計大受影響,業界前景呈現一團迷霧。本書是疫情對香港粵劇界影響的研究,研究歷時超過兩年,透過壓力調適及危機管理的理論框架,深入訪談了超過60 位粵劇界從業員,當中亦包括研究人員的廣泛實地考察,旨在調查疫情對粵劇界構成的影響;檢視粵劇界從業員及各持份者在疫情間的應變及探討疫情有否或如何影響從業員的專業發展態度及對粵劇前景的信心。
- 鍾明恩教授發表研究報告
- 學者回應:陳守仁教授、張展鴻教授、鍾明恩教授
- 圓桌討論:鍾珍珍女士、杜韋秀明女士、高潤鴻先生、衛駿輝女士、鍾明恩教授
- 演唱粵曲《暮春三月》:謝曉瑩女士、高潤鴻先生
- 公眾提問及回應
Virutal Exhibition curated by students from the course of CUMT3005 Design Your Exhibition – Curatorial Planning and Practice (2022)
As the worst pandemic we have seen in a century, COVID-19 has affected nearly every aspect of life. In response to how people have reacted under the new normal, the Cultural Management Programme is presenting its first online interactive exhibition, “____ing”. The exhibition is co-curated by 11 students from the course CUMT3005 Design Your Exhibition – Curatorial Planning and Practice offered by the Cultural Management Programme in 2022.
Supervised by Professor Isaac Leung, Assistant Professor of the Cultural Management Programme, the curators brings together thirteen groups of artists to present our life experience during the pandemic. The exhibition consists of four parts: “Normal Temperature” uses “temperature” as a clue to explore how technology intervenes in everyday life; “M i k 6” reveals the tension between individuals’ desire for freedom and the search for solace; “So Close, So Far” makes use of creativity to push spatial boundaries; and “Let’s Call It A Day” challenges the definition of time and happiness. They seek to explore the processes of change and adaptation that continue to intertwine with normality.
Uncertainty brings inspiration
The exhibition responds to the ever-changing normality and complex restrictions. It all sprang from unexpected challenges in life. Originally, the final course work for CUMT3005 was in the form of a physical exhibition. Due to the fifth wave of COVID-19, all courses in Term 2 of 2021-22 had to be taught online. Physical events had to be cancelled. The uncertainty in life inspired students to ponder how the pandemic affected the everyday life of Hong Kong people. They explored how the terms, such as “new normal,” had brought new meaning to people’s lives. “The unexpected challenges during moments of crisis, on the one hand, brought disruption; on the other hand, they encouraged students to critically reconsider people’s lives from different perspectives,” said Professor Leung. “During the brainstorming sessions, students came up with a list of potential works, then looked for relevant theories to frame their ideas. Despite the challenges the pandemic brought, students also discovered that people were able to come up with creative ideas to deal with the hardship.”
About “____ing”
Curated by students from the course of CUMT3005 Design Your Exhibition – Curatorial Planning and Practice, the virtual exhibition “____ing” is open to the public until August 2023. The project is supported by the Funding Scheme for Virtual Teaching and Learning.
__ing | CUHK Exhibition (ingart.co)
LINK | Details on Faculty of Arts
日期:2022年11月1日 - 2023年8月31日
[Chinese version only]
罐頭 (不) 過期 : 菲林 X 戲院的對談
日期:2022年4月6日 - 2022年4月24日