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Assistant Professor

Prof. CHUNG Ming Yan Fanny

B.A. (Manitoba), M.A. (HKBU), D.Ed. (Bristol), L.T.C.L., Licentiate Performer (Distinction) (Trinity College London), Perf.Cert.(Distinction) (Trinity College London)
3943 9383
Rm 206, Leung Kau Kui Building


Personal Website:

Fanny M. Y. Chung obtained her doctoral degree from the University of Bristol. Her scholarly interests are interdisciplinary, focusing on the interlinked areas of cultural management, music and arts education, and cultural policy.  Her monograph, entitled Music and Play in Early Childhood Education: Teaching Music in Hong Kong, China and the World, is well-received in academia. Her other research book, Transmission of Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis, aims to foster social and cultural impacts through research in performance, art-technology, and heritage. Additionally, her research has been published in reputable peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes.

Chung has secured major research grants. She is currently working on several funded research projects, including the project on investigating the implementation of cultural and education policy in music awarded by General Research Grant (GRF) of Research Grant Council (RGC); the research project on examining the transmission of traditional musical theatre amidst global health crisis awarded by the Lord Wilson Heritage Fund (LWHF) of the Hong Kong SAR government; and the research project exploring the mediation of traditions and globalized modernity through the lens of art-technology adoption, awarded by the Research Direct Grant of Faculty of Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Chung has been the awardee of “Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award” twice, in 2019 and 2022, by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She received the University Grants Committee (UGC)’s Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) for her project “Promoting Peer Learning through Digital Exhibition for Cultural Management Programme”. Chung’s teaching accomplishments have been recognized by CUHK’s teacher training unit, the Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research (CLEAR). Her exemplary teaching was published on Moodle as part of the university’s teacher training programme (Module: Fostering Student Engagement). 

Main Research Interests

  • Interdisciplinary Research in Cultural Management and Creative Arts
  • Music and Arts Education
  • Music in Early Childhood
  • Cultural Policy
  • Community Arts and Music
  • Performing Arts Technologies

Courses Taught

Fall Term (2024-25):
CUMT 1001  Introduction to Cultural Management

Spring Term (2024-25):
CUMT4001 Integrated Studies in Cultural Management

Research Grants

Competitive Grants

2022 Principal Investigator. ‘Investigating Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers’ Implementation of a Play-Based Approach in Music Education’, General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grant Council (RGC).
2023 Principal Investigator. ‘Arts and Technology: Integrating Technologies into the Transmission of Cantonese Opera.’ Direct Grant for Research, Faculty of Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
2021 Principal Investigator. ‘The Impact of Covid-19 on Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong’, Lord Wilson Heritage Trust, Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR Government. 
2020 Principal Investigator. ‘Promoting Peer Learning through Digital Exhibition for Cultural Management Students’, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement (TDLEG) (2019-22 Triennium), Special Funding Scheme to Enhance Student Engagement and Address Student Learning Needs, UGC/CUHK.
2019 Principal Investigator. ‘Outreach and Education Programmes in Performing Arts: A Study of Play-Based and Creative Approach in Performing Arts’, Direct Grant for Research, Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Principal Investigator.

Publication Fund

2022 Principal Investigator. Book publication of Music and Play in Early Childhood Education: Teaching Music in Hong Kong, China and the World (Springer Nature, 2022) Publication Subvention Fund 2022, Faculty of Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


2022 Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award 2021, Faculty of Arts, CUHK
2019 Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award 2018, Faculty of Arts, CUHK
2019 Outstanding Practice Project, China Arts Management Education Society (Creation, Play: The Joint Exhibition of Xiqu Posters), with Hu Na.

Book Authored (referred)



Music and Play in Early Childhood Education: Teaching Music in Hong Kong, China and the World. Palgrave Macmillan (Springer Nature). 249 pages. (

Book Review of Chung, F. M. Y. (2022). Music and Play in Early Childhood Education: Teaching Music in Hong Kong, China and the World: Xia, J. & Matiure, P. (2023).  The Social Science Journal. [SSCI] (

Research-based Books

2023 Transmission of Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong amidst COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis.  Chung Hwa Book Publisher. 248 pages.

Research-based Creative Books

2013 Handbook of Creative Arts in Early Childhood. Oxford University Press. (Co-author with Cheung, P. Y., Yeung, K. Y., Lau, H. S.)
2011 A Comprehensive Handbook of Music, Physical Fitness, and Visual Arts in Early Childhood. Oxford University Press. (Co-author with Cheung, P. Y., Yeung, K. Y.)

Journal Articles (Selected)

Refereed Journal

2023 ‘Utilising technology as a transmission strategy in intangible cultural heritage: The case of Cantonese opera performances’. International Journal of Heritage Studies, (Routledge), 1-16.
[Top 1% (18/1760) in Scopus (Arts and Humanities, 2023); SJR Q1; SSCI; AHCI]
2023 ‘Implementing Moral and Character Education Policy through Music Integration: Perspectives of School Leaders in Hong Kong’. Cogent Education, 10 (2), 1-16 (Taylor and Francis). [SCOPUS]
2022 ‘Safeguarding traditional theatre amid trauma: Career shock among cultural heritage professionals of Cantonese opera’. International Journal of Heritage Studies (Routledge), 28 (10), 1091-1106.
[Top 1% (18/1760) in Scopus (Arts and Humanities, 2023); SJR Q1; SSCI; AHCI]
2021 ‘Translating culture-bound elements: A case study of traditional Chinese theatre in the socio-cultural context of Hong Kong’, Springer-Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (Springer Germany), 14, 393-415.
[SJR Q1]
2021 ‘The impact of music pedagogy education on early childhood teachers’ self-Efficacy in Teaching Music: A study of music teacher education program in Hong Kong’. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education, 15 (2), 63-86. [SCOPUS]
2021 ‘Developing Audience through Outreach and Education in the Major Performing Arts Institutions in Hong Kong: Towards a Conceptual Framework’. Springer-Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (Springer Germany), 14, 345-366. 
[SJR Q1]

Professional Journals

2020 ‘Transmission of Chinese Theatre Arts: A Study on the Controversy of West Kowloon Cultural District’, Cultural Studies Quarterly, 172, 82-92. [in Chinese] 

Book Chapters

Forthcoming [Referred]
‘Culturally responsive singing in the Early Years’, van der Sandt & Nardi eds., Singing and Inclusions: Promoting Social Justice in Singing, edited by van der Sandt & Nardi. Routledge.
2019 [Referred]
‘Interdisciplinary play-based approach in early childhood music education’, M. Oebelsberger, A. Bernhofer and G. Sammer eds., European Perspectives on Music Education (Vol 8), Austria: Helbling. p.113-122.
2023 [Invited]
‘Cantonese opera guild and preservation of Cantonese opera: The case of Hong Kong Chinese Artists Association’, K.S. Shum ed., Barwo’s 70th Anniversary Publication (pp. 78-81). Hong Kong Chinese Artists Association.

Non-referred Publication

2023 A witness to joy.  Chung Chi Campus Newsletter, 59 (4). Chung Chi College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
2021 Multiple intelligences (MI) in the education of traditional Chinese culture. Research MI Journal, G.T. College, 2 (1), 44.
2019 Researcher on the Chinese opera stage. Journey to Chinese Opera & Drama (207), p. 120-121.
2019 Enhancing children’s holistic development through music. Sun Ya Publications (389), p. 4.
2013 Expressive Arts: Music and Visual Arts. Education Childhood Education Division, Hong Kong Baptist University.
2009 ‘The impacts of Orff Schulwerk’s training programme’. Hong Kong Orff Schulwerk, 1(1), 10.

Conference Paper (Refereed)

2023 ‘Traditional Chinese Theatre in Early Childhood: Interactive Cantonese Opera Performance as an Approach to Teach Cantonese Opera in Kindergartens’, The 23rd Pacific of Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) Annual Conference (Strengthening Resilience in Children During Time of Change), 7-9 July, 2023, Indonesia.
2023 ‘Joyful Learning through Play: Implementing Play-based Learning Policy through Music Education’, Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research, 2023 APSMER Seoul (Music in the Life, Life in the Music), 9-11 August, 2023, Seoul National University of Education, Korea
2023 ‘Fostering Children’s Creativity through a Play-based Approach in Music Education’, 30th EAS Conference/9th ISME European Regional Conference, (Liberty – Equity – Creativity: Innovating and Inventing Music in the Classroom), May 24-27, 2023, University of Lyon, France.
2022 ‘Moral Education through Musical Play: Conceptions, Practices, and Challenges’, PECERA 22nd Annual Conference (Transforming Early Childhood Education – From Policy to Practice), 8-10 July, 2022, Hong Kong.
2021 ‘Kindergarten Education Policy Implementation: Principal Perceptions, Practices and Challenges in Integrating Music Education to the Curriculum’, ISME Regional Conference/APSMER 2021, 18-19 September, 2021. (Online)
2021 ‘Promoting Peer Learning through Digital Exhibition for Cultural Management Students’, CUHK Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo 2020/21, 26-30 July 2021, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Online)
2020 ‘Outreach and Education in Performing Arts: Advocating Arts to the Public’, CUHK Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo 2019/20 (Online), 28-30 July 2020, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
2019 ‘Outreach and Education Programmes in Performing Arts Groups: A Study of Creative Approach in Performing Arts’, 14th International Conference on the Arts in Society, 19-21 June 2019, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Portugal.
2019 ‘Xiqu Centre of West Kowloon Cultural District: An Analysis of Development and Prospects’. Paper presented at Seminar on Strategic Opportunities & Prospects of Cultural Industry of Macau, 8- 9 June, 2019, City University of Macau, Macau.
2019 ‘Orff Schulwerk for Young Children: A Study of Teachers’ Perceived Competences’, 7th European ISME Regional Conference/27th EAS Conference, 15-18 May, 2019, Malmo Academy of Music, University of Lund, Sweden.
2018 ‘Play-Based and Creative Approach in Early Childhood Music Education: Hong Kong Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Teaching Music’, Learning & Teaching Expo 2018, 12-14 December, 2018, Hong Kong.
2018 “Cultural Development in the Arts: Impacts of Arts Marketing and Advocacy”, Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies Conference, Cambridge, 23-25 July, 2018, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
2018 “Unlocking Full Potential in Creative Music Teaching: Competences in Teaching Music to Young Children”, International Conference on Early Childhood Development and Science Education, 28-29 May, 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
2017 “Interdisciplinary Approaches for Music Learning in Hong Kong.” Joint (Ad)venture in Music, 19-22 April, 2017, Mozarteum University of Salzburg, Austria.
2016 “Music Teacher Education in Hong Kong.”, Pacific Early Childhood Research Association 2016 Conference (Grow and Learn from Investing in Early Learning: Timing, Economics, and Efficiency), 7-9 July, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.
2016 “Developing Self-Efficacy in Hong Kong Early Childhood Music Teachers.” European Association for Music in Schools 2016 Conference (Looking for the Unexpected: Creativity and Innovation in Music Education), 16-19 March, 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2015 “The Impacts of Creative Pedagogy on Hong Kong Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Music.” Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2015, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 16-23 December, 2015, Hong Kong.

Exhibitions (Research-based)

2020 [Online Exhibition Curation] Online performing arts poster exhibition: Creativity & audience development (Digital Exhibition). (the exhibition was funded by UGC’s Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) for the 2019-22 Triennium)
2018 [Exhibition Curation] Cantonese opera exhibition: Ritualistic Cantonese opera in Hong Kong 2016-2018 (2018). Venue: Exhibition Gallery, Ch’ien Mu Library, New Asia College, CUHK, 15/10/2018 – 2/11/2018.
2018 [Exhibition Curation] with Hu Na. Creation, play: The joint exhibition of Xiqu posters (Bilingual) (2018) (Exhibition). Venue: Exhibition Hall, National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts.
*The project was awarded ‘Outstanding Teaching Practice Project’ by the China Arts Management Education Society.
2017 [Exhibition Curation] with Hu Na. Creation, play: The joint exhibition of Xiqu posters (Bilingual) (2017) (Exhibition). Venue: Exhibition Hall, National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts.

Editorship and Journal Review

1. Editorial Board Member, Humanities and Sciences Communications (Springer) [SSCI/AHCI; SCOPUS], since 08/2023.
2. Associate Editor, Frontier in Education [ESCI; SCOPUS], 06/2023.
3. Journal Editor (Articles), Sage Open [SSCI; SCOPUS], since 10/2021.
4. Journal Reviewer: 
  International Journal of Heritage Studies [SSCI/AHCI]
  International Journal of Music Education [SSCI/AHCI]
  Asian Studies Review [SSCI/AHCI]
  Early Child Development and Care (Routledge) [SSCI; SCOPUS]
  Asian Education and Development Studies (Routledge) [ESCI; SCOPUS]
  Sage Open [SSCI; SCOPUS]
  Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education (Pacific of Early Childhood Education Research Association) [SCOPUS]
  IAFOR Journal of Education
  Grenek Music Journal (Universitas Negeri Medan), since 2018.

Invited Presentations/ Lectures/Knowledge Transfer Activities

Invited Presentations/ Lectures at Conferences, Workshops, Research Institutes and Universities (Selected)

2023 [Invited Speech] ‘Art Technology and Audience Building of Cantonese Opera’, The 9th Symposium on the Transmission and Development of Traditional Chinese Opera Culture, Department of International Cultural Communication, National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts (9 December 2023).
2023 [Invited Speech] ‘Modern Technology and Cultural Industries: A Case Study of Traditional Cantonese Opera’, Four-Region of Cross-Strait Symposium on High-Quality Development of Cultural Industries Education, City University of Macau (28 April 2023).
2021 [Invited Speech] ‘Research Seminar on Traditional Chinese Musical Notation’, Hong Kong Association of Cantonese Opera Scholars (28 December, 2021).
2021 [Invited Talk] ‘Character Development through Music Integration’, Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society (27 August, 2021).
2021 [Invited Talk] ‘Development of Ritual Performances of Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong’, Lord Wilson Heritage Trust and Hong Kong Public Library, Hong Kong SAR government (31 March, 2021).
2021 [Invited Talk] ‘Conversations with Yuen Siu-fai, Tam Wing-lun Alan & Chung Ming-yan Fanny: The Impacts of COVID-19 on Cantonese Opera Development’, Lord Wilson Heritage Trust and Hong Kong Public Library, HKSAR government (31 March, 2021).
2020 [Invited Talk] ‘Arts Education & Audience Development’, invited talk for postgraduate students (MPhil and PhD), Cultural Industries Management Programme, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, City University of Macau (15 May, 2020).
2019 [Invited Speech] ‘Advocating Cantonese Opera in the Higher Education Sector in Hong Kong’, Invited Talk, Seminar on the Development of Cantonese Opera in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Cinema Alegris, Macau (22 December, 2019).
2019 [Invited Speech] ‘Xiqu Centre of West Kowloon Cultural District: Development & Forward’, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, City University of Macau (8 June, 2019).
2016 [Invited Lecture] ‘The Development of Performing Arts & Arts Education in Hong Kong’, Department of Musicology, Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing (中央音樂學院) (15 May, 2016).
2016 [Invited Lecture] ‘An Introduction to Cultural Management’, Department of International Cultural Communication, National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts (16 May, 2016).
2016 [Invited Lecture] ‘Cultural Policy & Music Education in the Community’, School of Arts, Renmin University of China (17 May, 2016).
2016 [Invited Talk] ‘Seminar: Cultural Management in Hong Kong and Beijing’, Chinese National Academy of Arts (中國藝術研究院) (16 May, 2016).
2013 [Invited Speaker] ‘A Joyous Journey in Music (Part 2): Music Appreciation for Young Children’,  Gigamind Kindergarten (16 May, 2013).
2013 [Invited Workshop] ‘Music in Early Childhood Education’, PGDE in Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong Baptist University (20 February, 2013).
2012 [Invited Speaker] ‘A Joyous Journey in Music (Part 1): Music & Movement for Young Children’,  Gigamind Kindergarten (14 December, 2012).
2012 [Invited Public Lecture] ‘Early Childhood Music Education: Keys to Happy Learning in Music (in Macau)’, Oxford University Press (24 March, 2012).
2011 [Invited Public Lecture] ‘How to design happy music lessons for young children?’, Oxford University Press (19 March, 2011).
2010 [Invited Speaker] ‘Musical Technique and Competency in Music Teaching’, Truth Baptist Church Kindergarten (19 February, 2010).
2009 [Invited Speaker] ‘Musical Technique and Competency in Music Teaching’, Po Leung Kuk Fong Wong Kam Chuen Kindergarten (30 September, 2009).
2009 [Invited Talk] ‘The Integration of Creative Arts to School Curriculum: DanceSports’, Fanling Baptist Church Lui Ming Choi Kindergarten (18 August, 2009).

External Service

2022-23 Chairperson, Programme Validation Panel (PVP), Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong College of Technology, 12/2022 – 02/2023.
2022 External Examiner, Programmes in Cantonese Opera, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, since 09/2022.
2021 External Reviewer, G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College, since 09/2021.
2021 Research Fellow, Research Centre for Transmission of Cantonese Opera, the Education University of Hong Kong, since 09/2021.
2019-21 Elected Board Member, Hong Kong Association of Cantonese Opera Scholars, 11/2019 – 11/2021.
2018 External Advisor, Early Childhood Education Division, Caritas Institute of Higher Education, since 09/2018.