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Assistant Professor

Prof. CHAN Pui, Pedith

Full CV
B.A., M.Phil (CUHK), PhD (SOAS, University of London)
3943 5270
Room 205, Leung Kau Kui Building

ORCID iD (i.e. 16-digit number): 0000-0001-9580-6258


Webpage (URL):

Prof. Chan received her PhD from SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies), University of London, where she also spent the 2020-21 academic year as a senior lecturer in Asian Arts and Cultures. She served as the assistant curator of Chinese Fine Arts at the Hong Kong Museum of Art (1996-1999) and taught at the City University for the BA programme Culture and Heritage Management (2010-2015). Her research interests center on the production and consumption of art and cultural heritage in modern and contemporary China. Most recently, she curated Hong Kong Impressions at the Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and contributed to Embracing Sites/ Sights at the National Palace Museum, Taipei.  She is currently working on a project about the making of scenic attractions in modern and contemporary China. She was selected to participate in the CAA-Getty International Programme in 2019 and 2020.


  • PhD, SOAS University of London, 2004-2009, Professor Craig Clunas
  • MPhil, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000-2003, Professor Harold Mok Kar Leung
  • BA, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1991-1996

Professional Experience

  • Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Faculty of Arts, New Asia College) 08/2021-present
  • Senior Lecturer in Asian Arts and Cultures, SOAS University of London, 07/2020-07/2021
  • Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Faculty of Arts, New Asia College), 08/2016-06/2020
  • Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong, 08/2010-12/2015
  • Instructor, City University of Hong Kong, 08/2009-07/2010

Research Interests

  • Modern and Contemporary Art
  • History of Chinese Art and Visual Culture
  • Hong Kong Art
  • Landscape Studies in East Asia
  • Social History of Art
  • Art and Global Modernism

Courses Taught

Fall Term (2023-24):

CUMT 1000  Interpretation of Art
CUMT 4005  Arts and Propaganda
CUMT 4103  Internship

Spring Term (2023-24):

CUMT 2003  Art Institutions in Twentieth-Century China
CUMT 2006  Understanding Chinese Arts through Exhibitions

Research Grants / Projects / Awards

Competitive Grants

2023- Principal Investigator, General Research Fund 2022/23 (Project Title: In Search of Picturesque Landscapes: Tourism, Landscape Paintings, and the National Imagination in Twentieth-Century China, 1930s-1960s) RGC, HK$ 602,000, 01/01/2023­-31/12/2025.
2020-2020  Principal Investigator, General Research Fund 2019/2020 (Project Title: In Search of the Southwest: Tourism, Landscape Paintings and the Imagination of the Nation during the Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945) RGC, HK$780,000, 01/01/2020-30/06/2020 (Terminated because the PI took up a new position in the UK).
2018-2020 Principal Investigator, General Research Fund 2017/2018 (Project Title: The Making of Scenic China: The Tourism Industry and Visual Representations of Scenic Sites in Republican China) RGC, HK$ 437,394, 01/01/2018-30/06/2020.
2017-2018 Principal Investigator, Direct Grant for Research 2016/2017 (Project Title: Picturing the Mount Yandang: Yu Jianhua’s Travel Paintings and Concepts of Sketching), Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. HK$ 80,000, 16/01/2017-15/01/2018.
2013-2016 Principal Investigator, Longitudinal Discovery-Enriched Curriculum Studies. The City University of Hong Kong, HK$ 583,300, 01/09/2013-30/08/2016.
2013-2015 Principal Investigator, Early Career Scheme (Project Title: The Production and Consumption of the Genre of Landscape Painting in Republican China) RGC, HK$ 622,800, 01/01/2013-31/12/2015.
2012-2014 Principal Investigator, Start-Up Grant (Project Title: Art in the Marketplace: Taste, Sale and Knowledge of Guohua) The City University of Hong Kong, HK$ 200,000, 01/01/2012-30/12/2014.

Publication Grants

2022- Publication Subvention Fund, Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2022/2023, HK$10,000, 05/06/22-30/04/2024
2016-2017 Publication Subvention Fund, Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016/2017, HK$38,000, 17/10/2016-30/06/2017

Awards and Honors

2022 Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award, Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 03/2022.
2020 CAA-Getty Travel Grant, CAA-Getty International Program 2020, College Art Association, 02/2020.
2019 CAA-Getty Travel Grant, CAA-Getty International Program 2019, College Art Association, 02/2019.
2017 Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award, Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 03/2017.
2011 Best PhD Humanities Short List, ICAS Book Prize 2001, International Convention of Asia Scholars, 03/2011.
2006 CCK Fellowships for PhD Dissertations, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, 06/2006.


Books Authored (referred)

2017 The Making of a Modern Art World: Institutionalisation and Legitimisation of Guohua in Republican Shanghai, China Studies Series 37, Leiden: Brill. (
*Chinese translation in simplified Chinese is under translation and will be published by the Lingnan Arts Publishing House.

Exhibition Catalogues 

2020 with Josh Yiu eds., Hong Kong Impressions, Hong Kong: Art Museum, Chinese University of Hong Kong. (Contributed the editorial concept, an essay, 3 sectional texts and 3 entries) (link)

Referred Journal


“高美慶—20世紀中國藝術史研究的拓荒者.” 美術觀察Mei shu guan cha, no. 2 (2023): 58-61. (RCCSE, A+)

2020 “The Discourse of Guohua in Wartime Shanghai.” European Journal of East Asian Studies, 19(2): 263-296. (Scopus) (link 1) (link 2)
2020 “Picturing Mount Yandang: The Travel Albums and Landscape Aesthetics of Yu Jianhua (1895-1979).” Burlington Magazine, 162 (1411): 840-849. (ACHI) (link)
2019 “跨越藝術史的界限 : 柯律格教授的物質文化研究.” (Beyond the History of Art: Craig Clunas and Material Culture Studies) 美術觀察 (Art Observation), 北京: 中國藝術研究院, 6: 76-80. (RCCSE, A+)
2018 “In Search of the Southeast: Tourism, Nationalism, and Scenic Landscape in Republican China.” Twentieth-Century China, Johns Hopkins University Press, 43(3): 207-231. (Scopus) (link)
2013 “The Institutionalization and Legitimatization of Guohua 國畫: Art Societies in Republican Shanghai.” Modern China 39(5): 541-570. (SSCI) (link)

Professional Journal

2022 “Irene Chou”, “Fang Zhaoling”, Grove Art Online, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2020 “香江入畫—香港名勝與實景山水畫.” (Picturing Hong Kong: Scenic Attractions and Site-Specific Landscape Paintings), 故宮文物月刊 National Palace Museum Monthly, 449: 54-67. (link)
2018 “In Pursuit of Rhythm and Spirit Resonance: The Art of Ding Yanyong (1902-1978)”, Arts of Asia, 48(5), Sept-Oct (2018): 64-75. (AHCI) (link)
2016 “香港水墨:浮動身份的探索” (Hong Kong Ink: Exploring a Floating Identity). LEAP, 41 (2016):162-167.  (link)

Exhibition Catalogue Essays 

2022 “Sense of Place: Re-Imagining and Re-Presenting Hong Kong Landscapes”, in Here and There: Re-Imagining Hong Kong Landscapes, edited by Ting Wing Yan. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Arts Center, pp. 59-79. (link)
2020 “造化為師—現代旅遊與實景山水” (Learning from Nature: Modern Tourism and Site-Specific Landscape Painting), in 攬勝Embracing Sites/Sights, edited by Lui Yu-jen. Taipei: The National Palace Museum, pp.135-143. (link)
2020 “Hong Kong Impressions: Modern Tourism and the Visual Representations of the Hong Kong Landscape”, in Hong Kong Impressions, edited by Chan Pui Pedith and Josh Yiu. Hong Kong: Art Museum, Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 22-35. (link)
2011 “Enjoying the Mountains and Streams: Travel Paintings by Prof. Johnson Chow” (仁智之樂—周士心的紀遊山水) (bilingual), in Johnson Chow Su-sing: A Tranquil Heart in Art. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of Art, pp. 42-57.

Book Chapter 

2018 (Peer-reviewed)
“Representation of Chinese Civilisation: Exhibiting Chinese Art in Republican China”, The Future of Museum and Gallery Design: Purpose, Process, edited by Suzanne Macleod, Tricia Austin, Jonathan Hale and Oscar Ho Hing-Kay, 71-85. Perception, Museum Meanings Series. London: Routledge, 2018. (link)
2022 (Invited)
“時代之眼:民國時期報刊中呈現的名勝與山水” (The Period Eye: Representations of Scenic Sites and Landscapes in Print Media in Republican China),《神州國光:黃賓虹國際學術研討會論文集與藝術文獻展圖錄, 張堅編,  230-235. 杭州:西泠印社出版社.
2017 (Invited)
“陳士文與香港早期高等藝術教育” (Chen Shih-Wen [1907-1984] and the Early Development of Tertiary Art Education in Hong Kong), in Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2016, edited by Tong Kam-tang Vincent, 14-28. Hong Kong: Department of Fine Arts, Chinese University of Hong Kong. (link)
2014 (Invited)
“In the Name of Ink: The Discourse of Ink Art”, in Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2013, edited by Tong Kam-tang Vincent, 14-33. Hong Kong: Department of Fine Arts, Chinese University of Hong Kong. (link)
2013 “Art in the Marketplace: Taste, Sale, and Transformation of Guohua in Republican Shanghai”, in The Transcendence of the Arts in China and Beyond: Approaches to Modern and Contemporary Art, edited by Rui Oliveira Lopes, 72-104. Lisbon: Centro de Investigacao e Estudos em Belas-Artes (CIEBA), Universidade de Lisboa. (link)
2006 “天人同師—彭襲明的山水藝術” (Man and Nature as Models: The Landscapes of Peng Ximing), in Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2005, edited by Mok Ka-leung Harold, 15-36.  Hong Kong: Department of Fine Arts, Chinese University of Hong Kong. (link)

Book Reviews

2023 (Book review) on Katharine P. Burnett: Shaping Chinese Art History. Pang Yuanji and His Painting Collection, Amherst: Cambria Press 2020, sehepunkte 23 (2023), Nr. 4 [15.04.2023].
2021 (Book review) on Michaela Pejčochová. Emissary from the Far East , in Umění/Art, 4 (2021), 507-9. (link)
2018 (Book review) on Michaela Pejčochová and Clarissa von Spee eds. Modern Chinese Painting & Europe: New Perceptions, Artists Encounters, and the Formation of Collections (Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag GmbH, 2017), in Arts of Asia, May-June 2018: 135-137.

Referred Conference Papers

2023 “In Search of Scenic Beauties in Southwest China: Tourism and Representations of Landscape during the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)”, 3rd Conference of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology, University of Ljubljana, September 2023.
2021 “Modern Tourism and The Visual Representations of Mount Huang in Magazines in 1930s China”, AAS 2021 Annual Conference, March 2021, Virtual
2020 “The Discourse of Guohua (National Painting) in Wartime China”. CAA Annual Conference, Chicago, February 2020.
2019 “The Discourse of Guohua in Occupied Shanghai.” Cultural and Intellectual Histories of Japanese-occupied China, Nottingham University, 16 September 2019.
2019 “時代之眼:民間時期報刊中呈現的名勝與山水.” 神州國光: 王中秀藏黃賓虹藝術文獻展暨學術研討會, 中國美術學院, Hangzhou, 18-20 March 2019.
2019 “The Making of Scenic Sites: Landscape Painting, Tourism and Nationalism in Republican China.” CAA Annual Conference, New York, 12 February 2019.
2018 “Visual Travelogue of Scenic Mountains: Yu Jianhua’s Travel Albums.” International Workshop of the French Association of Chinese Studies (AFEC) Chinese Objects and Their Lives, French Association of Chinese Studies, Paris, 15-16 June 2018.
2017 “Picturing Mount Yandang: Yu Jianhua’s Travel Paintings and Concepts of Sketching.” British Association for Chinese Studies Conference 2017, University of Glasgow, 7-9 Sept 2017. 
2017 “Marketing Cultural Product: The Canonisation and Legitimisation of Contempoary Ink in the Global Art Market.” Collaboration and Competition in the Cultural and Creative Industires, the USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry, Shanghai, 5-7 June 2017.
2016 “From Fan Shops to Auction Houses: The Canonisation and Legitimisation of Chinese Painting in the Global Art Market.” The Art Market in a Global Perspective, University of Amsterdam, 28-30 January 2016.
2015 “Representation of Chinese Civilisation: Exhibiting Chinese Art in Republican China.” The Future of Museum and Gallery Design, University of Leicester, November 2015.
2015 “The Construction of Chinese Nationalist Art History: The Writing and Presentation of Chinese Landscape Painting in Republican China.” ICAS 2015 Conference, Adelaide, 5-9 July 2015.
2014 “From Guohua to Ink Art: The Institutionalization and Classification of Art in Modern and Contemporary China.” The 16th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong, 5-6 December 2014.
2014 “The Representation of China’s Natural Heritage: Nationalism, Tourism and Picturesque Landscape.” International Conference on “Modern China in Global Contexts, 1600-Present, Acadmia Sinica, Taiwan, 11-13 August 2014.
2013 “Visual Representation of Regional Culture: The 1940 Exhibition of Guangdong Cultural Heritage.” ICAS 2013 Conference, Macau, 23-26 June 2013.
2012 “Tourism and Landscape: Visualising the Scenic China in the Early Twentieth Century.” Visualizing Asia in the Modern World, Visual Cultures Programme, MIT and Princeton University,11-12 May 2012.
2012 “Art in the Marketplace: Taste, Sale, and Transformation of Guohua in Republican Shanghai.” Face to Face: The Transcendence of the Arts in China and Beyond, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon, 3-5 April 2012.
2012 “Landscape and National Identity: Visualising the Scenic Sites of Modern China in the 1930s.” The Seventh Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong, 2-3 March 2012.
2011 “Transposition of Art: Landscape Paintings Published in Cixue Jikan (Song Lyric Scholarship Quarterly).” Word and Image, East and West, School of Language and Cultures, Sydney University, 28-29 October 2011.
2011 “The Business of Art: Art Market in Shanghai during the 1930s.” The Joint Conference of the Association for Art Studies and the International Convention of Asia Scholar, Hawaii, 2011.

Invited  Presentations/Lectures

Invited Presentations/ Lectures at Conferences, Workshops, Research Institutes and Universities

2023 “聖地的建構—宋王臺的論述、記憶與視覺呈現”, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 30/06/2023
2023 “追尋如畫風光:民國時期的旅游論述與名勝的視覺呈現”, 媒介、視覺藝術與現代性, Nanjing University of the Arts, 17/05/2023
2021 “Picturing Hong Kong Scenery: The Making of Scenic Sites and Landscape Paintings in Post-War Hong Kong”. East Asia Art & Archaeology Research Seminars, SOAS University of London, 23/02/2021
2019 “The Making of Scenic Sites: Tourism and Visual Representations of Scenic Landscape in Republican China”. Institute for Humanities and Social Science, University of Hong Kong, 05/11/2019
2018 “The Transformation of Landscape Painting in Twentieth-century China”. Liangyi Museum, Hong Kong, 08/11/2018
2018 “Ink Art and Hong Kong Cultural Identity”. Local Culture Talk Series, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 27/02/2018
2017 “Picturing Mount Yandang: Tourism, Landscape and Nationalism in Republican China”. Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 04/07/2017
2017 “Chinese Contemporary Art & the Market: Contemporary Ink”. Hong Kong Art Center, 15/11/2017
2017 “Ink Art”. M+ Museum, Hong Kong, 23/10/2017
2013 “Landscape and Tourism: Visualising Scenic China in the Early Twentieth Century”. Encounters: Art and Artists of 20th-Century China, University of Hong Kong, 25/02/2013

Knowledge Transfer Activities

Research-based Exhibitions

2022 Researcher and Contributor, Here and There: Re-Imagining Hong Kong Landscapes. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong, 08/10/2022-30/10/2022.
2020 Guest Curator, Hong Kong Impressions. Hong Kong: Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 07/09/2020-29/11/2020.
2020 Contributor, Embracing Sites/ Sights: Scenic Landscape Painting in Modern Chinese Art. National Palace Museum, Taipei, 10/07/2020-23/09/2020.

Professional Societies

2023-present Member, European Association for Asian Art and Archeology, since 09/2023
2014-present Member, College Art Association (CAA), since 02/2014
2021-present Member, Association for Asian Studies (AAS), since 03/2021
2011-2016 Member, International Convention of Asia Scholar (ICAS), 03/2011-02/2016

Professional Society Activities

2020-24 International Committee Member, College Art Association (CAA), 02/2020-01/2024.

Internal Service


2021-present Member, Cultural Management Curriculum Committee, 08/2021-present
2022-present Category II member, Board of Fine Arts Department, 08/2022-present
2020-2021 Convenor, MA History of Art and Archaeology of East Asia, SOAS University of London, 07/2020-06/2021
2018-2020 Member, Admission Committee, 08/2018-06/2020


2022-present Member, Faculty Scholarship Committee, Faculty of Arts, 08/2022-present
2021-present Member, Academic Advising Committee, Faculty of Arts, 08/2021-present
2021-2022 Member, Faculty Publicity and Outreach Committee, Faculty of Arts, 8/2021-7/2022
2018-2020 Member, Teaching and Learning Committee, Faculty of Arts, 08/2018-06/2020


2024 Instructor, College General Education Course GENA2372, New Asia College, 01/2024-05/2024
2023-2025 Member, New Asia College Cultural Talks Committee, New Asia College, 08/2023-07/2025
2023-2025 Member, General Education Committee, New Asia College, 08/2023-07/2025
2023-2025 Member, Biweekly Assembly Committee, New Asia College, 08/2023-07/2025
2022-present Member, Service-Learning Task Force, College General Education Programme, New Asia College, 08/2022-present
2022-2024 Co-Chair, Language and Culture Committee, New Asia College, 08/2022-07/2024
2021 Instructor, College General Education Course GENA2372, New Asia College, 09/2021-12/2021
2019-2020 Co-Chair, Language and Culture Committee, New Asia College, 08/2019-06/2020
2018-2019 Member, Language and Culture Committee, New Asia College, 08/2018-07/2019
2018-2020 Member, Management of Hui Gallery and Y.S. Hui Exchange Programme in Fine Arts Committee, 08/2018-06/2020
2019 Instructor, College General Education Course GENA2372, New Asia College, 01/2019-05/2019

External Service

2022-2025 Member, Advisory Board of the MA in Arts and Cultural Heritage Management, Lingnan University, 09/2022-08/2025
2018-2023 Visual Arts Assessor/ Examiner, Hong Kong Art Development Council, 07/2018-06/2023
2022-2023 External Reviewer, Research Proposal to be submitted to RGC, Caritas Institute of Higher Education, 12/2022-01/2023
2022 External Examiner, PhD Dissertation, SOAS University of London, 02/2022-05/2022
2020 External Examiner, PhD Dissertation, University of Oxford, 06/2020-11/2020
2018-2020 Member, Stamp Advisory Committee, Secretary for Home Affairs, Hong Kong, 04/2018-04/2020
2017 External Examiner, PhD Dissertation, National Taiwan University, 02/2017-06/2017
2017-present Reviewer, Academic Journals (Art History, Twentieth-Century China, Art History, Modern Asian Studies, Research on Women in Modern Chinese History, Taida Journal of Art, Ars Orientalis etc.), 05/2017-present.