Faculty Board and Committees
Take a Closer Look at Our Faculty
Board of the Faculty of Arts
Faculty Executive Committee
Faculty Academic Personnel Committee
Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee
Faculty Research Committee
Faculty Publicity and Outreach Committee
Faculty Scholarship Committee
Faculty Academic Advising Committee
Faculty Examination Committee
Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee
Board of the Faculty of Arts
Professor Max Xiaobing TANG
Professor Dennis LO Yuk-ming
Professor Jette HANSEN EDWARDS
Professor ZHANG Jiji
Professor MOK Pik Ki Peggy
Professor CHENG Sea Ling
Professor POON Ming Kay
Professor PANG Lai Kwan
Professor David HUDDART
Professor Frank VIGNERON
Professor CHEUNG Sui Wai
Professor Lynne Yukie NAKANO
Professor PAN Victor Junnan
Professor LAU Cheung Kong Frederick
Professor Saulius Haroldas GENIUSAS
Professor James ST. ANDRÉ
Dr. Jose LAI
Professor HOYAN Hang Fung Carole
Professor Tobias BRANDNER
Professor CAI Zhenguang
Professor CHENG Chung Yi
Professor CHEONG Wai Ling
Professor CHEUNG Chin Hung Sidney
Professor CHEUNG Kam Siu
Professor HO Che Wah
Professor HUANG Yong
Professor Andrew B. KIPNIS
Professor KWAN Shui Man
Professor KWOK Bit Chee
Professor KWONG Ho Yee Connie
Professor LAI Chi Tim
Professor LAI Pan Chiu
Professor LAI Tsz Pang John
Professor LAU Chong Fuk
Professor LEE Ka Man Carmen
Professor MAK Su Yin
Professor NG Wai Ming Benjamin
Professor PAN Haihua
Professor POON Shuk Wah
Professor SHEN Pei
Professor TANG Sze Wing
Professor WONG Chun Man Patrick
Professor YAO Zhihua
Professor YIM Chi Hung Lawrence
Professor YIP Choy Yin Virginia
Professor ZHONG Lei
Dr. LO Hau Man
Professor WAN Chui Ki Maggie
Professor HO Che Wah
Professor HOYAN Hang Fung Carole
Professor CHENG Sea Ling
Professor PUK Wing Kin
Professor JUNG Jookyoung
Professor Timothy Andrew SUMMERS
Professor Naomi Elaine Thurston
Professor Leilah Sohrab VEVAINA
Dr. HO Chi Ho Allen
Dr. HUNG Yeuk Chun
Ms. LEUNG Kit Chi Ella
Mr. Louis Jean MUNSCH
Terms of Reference:
The Board of the Faculty of Arts shall co-ordinate the activities of the Departments within the Faculty and it shall be its function to consider and deal with the recommendations of the Departments of the Faculty:
- on the content of courses for the degree or degrees; and
- on the details of syllabuses
Faculty Executive Committee
Professor Max Xiaobing Tang
Professor Jette Hansen Edwards
Professor Zhang Jiji
Professor Mok Pik Ki Peggy
Professor Cheng Sea Ling
Professor Poon Ming Kay
Professor Pang Lai Kwan
Professor David Huddart
Professor Frank Vigneron
Professor Cheung Sui Wai
Professor Lynne Nakano
Professor Pan Victor Junnan
Professor Lau Cheung Kong Frederick
Professor Saulius Haroldas Geniusas
Professor James St. André
Dr Jose Lai
Professor Hoyan Hang Fung Carole
Professor Leung Hok Bun Isaac
Ms. Sarah Chan
Terms of Reference:
- To assist the Dean of the Faculty in the performance of his/her duties;
- To initiate plans for Faculty development;
- To assist the Dean of the Faculty in managing the budget, finances and space of the Faculty; and
- To deal with any matter referred to it by the Vice-Chancellor or his designate, AAPC or the Faculty Board.
Faculty Academic Personnel Committee
Professor Max Xiaobing Tang
Professor Cheong Wai Ling
Professor Kwong Ho Yee Connie
Professor Yip Choy Yin Virginia
Professor Zhang Jiji
Ms. Sarah Chan
Ms. Mian Kwok
Terms of Reference:
- To review relevant academic personnel matters, including appointment, contract renewal, substantiation/ conversion to continuous appointment, pay review, advancement, crossing of pay bands, retirement/ extension of service, and make recommendations thereon for consideration by the appropriate authority.
- To advise the Vice-Chancellor and/ or his designate on any other matters related thereto as may be referred by them from time to time.
Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee
Professor Jette Hansen Edwards
Professor Max Xiaobing Tang
Professor Cheung Chin Hung Sidney
Professor Cheung Hiu Yu
Professor Cheung Yam Leung Lawrence
Professor Deng Dun
Professor Ho Ka Yi
Professor Haerim Hwang
Professor Ji Lingjie
Professor Lau Chong Fuk
Professor Li Ka Chi Edwin
Professor Kyle Austin Peters
Professor Tam Wai Lun
Terms of Reference:
- To review new course proposals, both undergraduate and postgraduate, from the academic units of the Faculty, including proposals for Faculty Package courses;
- To help coordinate periodic review of Taught Postgraduate Programmes;
- To coordinate applications for teaching and learning enhancement funds;
- To advise on matters related to good practices in teaching and learning and organize relevant activities;
- The term of service for Committee chairperson and members is two years.
Faculty Research Committee
Professor Zhang Jiji Note 1
Professor David Huddart Note 1
Professor Lai Tsz Pang John
Professor Lee Ka Man Carmen
Professor Pan Haihua
Professor Puk Wing Kin
Professor Zhong Lei
Terms of Reference:
- To oversee the implementation of policies, guidelines, and initiatives from the Research Committee of the University, ORKTS, RGC and other grant agencies;
- To review and select applications for Faculty or University-level research grants and awards, and, when necessary, to form ad hoc project or application review committees;
- To propose plans and recommendations for promoting collaborative and interdisciplinary research in the Faculty;
- To consider research-related matters and projects as directed by the Faculty Dean;
- The term of service for Committee chairperson and members is two years.
Note 1: Professor Zhang and Professor Huddart will serve in the Committee from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025.
Faculty Publicity and Outreach Committee
Interim Chairperson
Professor Li Chen
Professor Chan Nicholas Louis
Professor Leung Hok Bun Isaac
Professor Leung Ka Wing
Professor Stuart Mcmanus
Professor Tan Jia
Terms of Reference:
- To oversee and coordinate programmes for enhancing the visibility and recognition of the Faculty within the University, in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and internationally;
- To plan and implement programmes to promote the Faculty, especially among local secondary school students and international students;
- To liaise with the Communications and Public Relations Office of the University and the Office of the Associate Vice President (External Engagement and Outreach) in developing publicity and outreach strategies;
- To oversee regular maintenance and development of the Faculty website and provide guidance to individual unit websites across the Faculty;
- The term of service for Committee chairperson and members is two years.
Faculty Scholarship Committee
Professor Mok Pik Ki Peggy
Professor Tse Wai Kit Wicky
Professor Chan Kai Young
Professor Lee Wan Ki Wendy
Professor Gregory Moss
Professor Duncan Poupard
Professor Tam Wai Ping
Professor Eddie Tay
Professor Tsui Wai
Professor Wu Ka Ming
Terms of Reference:
- To coordinate with undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in formulating and publicizing the selection criteria for scholarships that are designated to the Faculty;
- To set up interviewing panels for selecting and recommending recipients for scholarships that are designated to the Faculty;
- The term of service for Committee chairperson and members is two years.
Faculty Academic Advising Committee
Professor Jette Hansen Edwards
Professor Mok Pik Ki Peggy Note 1
Professor Cheng Chung Yi
Professor Cheng Sea Ling
Professor Cui Wendong
Dr. Gao Yunwen
Professor Lee Yongwoo
Professor Liao Yen Jen Yvonne
Professor Li Long
Professor Ian Morley
Professor Peng Peng
Professor Tao Shuhui
Dr. Ueda Sanae
Dr. Wong Suzanne Shu Shan
Terms of Reference:
- To give advice on all aspects of academic advising for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes;
- The Committee meets at least twice in each academic year;
- The term of service for Committee chairpersons and members is two years.
Note 1: Professor Mok will serve as the representative of Department of Linguistics & Modern Languages concurrently.
Faculty Examination Committee
Professor Jette Hansen Edwards
Professor Chung Pei Chi
Professor James Frankel
Professor Mak Susanna Su Yin
Professor Eli Park Sorensen
Professor Sze Yim Binh Felix
Terms of Reference:
- To consider and endorse recommendations from the Examination Panels of Departments / Programmes regarding graduation assessment results and honours classification;
- To consider and approve recommendations from Departments / Programmes regarding students with academic problems;
- To consider and endorse the list of undergraduate students to be put on the Dean’s List of the Faculty;
- The term of service for Committee chairperson and members is two years.
* When necessary, the Committee should invite department representatives to discuss a specific case.
Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee
Professor Cheung Kam Siu
Professor Cai Zhenguang Garry
Professor He Xi
Professor Ho Chi Ming
Dr. Lee Siu Lun
Professor Wan Chui Ki Maggie
Professor Yao Zhihua
Ms. Sarah Chan
Ms. Janice Yip
Terms of Reference:
- To formulate administrative guidelines in handling student disciplinary cases and to provide guidance to ad hoc disciplinary sub-panels;
- To review and establish procedures for dealing with academic disciplinary matters pertaining to undergraduate and postgraduate students taking courses offered by the Faculty;
- To consider and adjudicate academic disciplinary matters reported by instructors in the Faculty;
- The term of service for Committee chairperson and members is two years.
Professor Max Xiaobing TANG
Professor Dennis LO Yuk-ming
Professor Jette HANSEN EDWARDS
Professor ZHANG Jiji
Professor MOK Pik Ki Peggy
Professor CHENG Sea Ling
Professor POON Ming Kay
Professor PANG Lai Kwan
Professor David HUDDART
Professor Frank VIGNERON
Professor CHEUNG Sui Wai
Professor Lynne Yukie NAKANO
Professor PAN Victor Junnan
Professor LAU Cheung Kong Frederick
Professor Saulius Haroldas GENIUSAS
Professor James ST. ANDRÉ
Dr. Jose LAI
Professor HOYAN Hang Fung Carole
Professor Tobias BRANDNER
Professor CAI Zhenguang
Professor CHENG Chung Yi
Professor CHEONG Wai Ling
Professor CHEUNG Chin Hung Sidney
Professor CHEUNG Kam Siu
Professor HO Che Wah
Professor HUANG Yong
Professor Andrew B. KIPNIS
Professor KWAN Shui Man
Professor KWOK Bit Chee
Professor KWONG Ho Yee Connie
Professor LAI Chi Tim
Professor LAI Pan Chiu
Professor LAI Tsz Pang John
Professor LAU Chong Fuk
Professor LEE Ka Man Carmen
Professor MAK Su Yin
Professor NG Wai Ming Benjamin
Professor PAN Haihua
Professor POON Shuk Wah
Professor SHEN Pei
Professor TANG Sze Wing
Professor WONG Chun Man Patrick
Professor YAO Zhihua
Professor YIM Chi Hung Lawrence
Professor YIP Choy Yin Virginia
Professor ZHONG Lei
Dr. LO Hau Man
Professor WAN Chui Ki Maggie
Professor HO Che Wah
Professor HOYAN Hang Fung Carole
Professor CHENG Sea Ling
Professor PUK Wing Kin
Professor JUNG Jookyoung
Professor Timothy Andrew SUMMERS
Professor Naomi Elaine Thurston
Professor Leilah Sohrab VEVAINA
Dr. HO Chi Ho Allen
Dr. HUNG Yeuk Chun
Ms. LEUNG Kit Chi Ella
Mr. Louis Jean MUNSCH
Terms of Reference:
The Board of the Faculty of Arts shall co-ordinate the activities of the Departments within the Faculty and it shall be its function to consider and deal with the recommendations of the Departments of the Faculty:
- on the content of courses for the degree or degrees; and
- on the details of syllabuses
Professor Max Xiaobing Tang
Professor Jette Hansen Edwards
Professor Zhang Jiji
Professor Mok Pik Ki Peggy
Professor Cheng Sea Ling
Professor Poon Ming Kay
Professor Pang Lai Kwan
Professor David Huddart
Professor Frank Vigneron
Professor Cheung Sui Wai
Professor Lynne Nakano
Professor Pan Victor Junnan
Professor Lau Cheung Kong Frederick
Professor Saulius Haroldas Geniusas
Professor James St. André
Dr Jose Lai
Professor Hoyan Hang Fung Carole
Professor Leung Hok Bun Isaac
Ms. Sarah Chan
Terms of Reference:
- To assist the Dean of the Faculty in the performance of his/her duties;
- To initiate plans for Faculty development;
- To assist the Dean of the Faculty in managing the budget, finances and space of the Faculty; and
- To deal with any matter referred to it by the Vice-Chancellor or his designate, AAPC or the Faculty Board.
Professor Max Xiaobing Tang
Professor Cheong Wai Ling
Professor Kwong Ho Yee Connie
Professor Yip Choy Yin Virginia
Professor Zhang Jiji
Ms. Sarah Chan
Ms. Mian Kwok
Terms of Reference:
- To review relevant academic personnel matters, including appointment, contract renewal, substantiation/ conversion to continuous appointment, pay review, advancement, crossing of pay bands, retirement/ extension of service, and make recommendations thereon for consideration by the appropriate authority.
- To advise the Vice-Chancellor and/ or his designate on any other matters related thereto as may be referred by them from time to time.
Professor Jette Hansen Edwards
Professor Max Xiaobing Tang
Professor Cheung Chin Hung Sidney
Professor Cheung Hiu Yu
Professor Cheung Yam Leung Lawrence
Professor Deng Dun
Professor Ho Ka Yi
Professor Haerim Hwang
Professor Ji Lingjie
Professor Lau Chong Fuk
Professor Li Ka Chi Edwin
Professor Kyle Austin Peters
Professor Tam Wai Lun
Terms of Reference:
- To review new course proposals, both undergraduate and postgraduate, from the academic units of the Faculty, including proposals for Faculty Package courses;
- To help coordinate periodic review of Taught Postgraduate Programmes;
- To coordinate applications for teaching and learning enhancement funds;
- To advise on matters related to good practices in teaching and learning and organize relevant activities;
- The term of service for Committee chairperson and members is two years.
Professor Zhang Jiji Note 1
Professor David Huddart Note 1
Professor Lai Tsz Pang John
Professor Lee Ka Man Carmen
Professor Pan Haihua
Professor Puk Wing Kin
Professor Zhong Lei
Terms of Reference:
- To oversee the implementation of policies, guidelines, and initiatives from the Research Committee of the University, ORKTS, RGC and other grant agencies;
- To review and select applications for Faculty or University-level research grants and awards, and, when necessary, to form ad hoc project or application review committees;
- To propose plans and recommendations for promoting collaborative and interdisciplinary research in the Faculty;
- To consider research-related matters and projects as directed by the Faculty Dean;
- The term of service for Committee chairperson and members is two years.
Note 1: Professor Zhang and Professor Huddart will serve in the Committee from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025.
Professor Li Chen
Professor Chan Nicholas Louis
Professor Leung Hok Bun Isaac
Professor Leung Ka Wing
Professor Stuart Mcmanus
Professor Tan Jia
Terms of Reference:
- To oversee and coordinate programmes for enhancing the visibility and recognition of the Faculty within the University, in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and internationally;
- To plan and implement programmes to promote the Faculty, especially among local secondary school students and international students;
- To liaise with the Communications and Public Relations Office of the University and the Office of the Associate Vice President (External Engagement and Outreach) in developing publicity and outreach strategies;
- To oversee regular maintenance and development of the Faculty website and provide guidance to individual unit websites across the Faculty;
- The term of service for Committee chairperson and members is two years.
Professor Mok Pik Ki Peggy
Professor Tse Wai Kit Wicky
Professor Chan Kai Young
Professor Lee Wan Ki Wendy
Professor Gregory Moss
Professor Duncan Poupard
Professor Tam Wai Ping
Professor Eddie Tay
Professor Tsui Wai
Professor Wu Ka Ming
Terms of Reference:
- To coordinate with undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in formulating and publicizing the selection criteria for scholarships that are designated to the Faculty;
- To set up interviewing panels for selecting and recommending recipients for scholarships that are designated to the Faculty;
- The term of service for Committee chairperson and members is two years.
Professor Jette Hansen Edwards
Professor Mok Pik Ki Peggy Note 1
Professor Cheng Chung Yi
Professor Cheng Sea Ling
Professor Cui Wendong
Dr. Gao Yunwen
Professor Lee Yongwoo
Professor Liao Yen Jen Yvonne
Professor Li Long
Professor Ian Morley
Professor Peng Peng
Professor Tao Shuhui
Dr. Ueda Sanae
Dr. Wong Suzanne Shu Shan
Terms of Reference:
- To give advice on all aspects of academic advising for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes;
- The Committee meets at least twice in each academic year;
- The term of service for Committee chairpersons and members is two years.
Note 1: Professor Mok will serve as the representative of Department of Linguistics & Modern Languages concurrently.
Professor Jette Hansen Edwards
Professor Chung Pei Chi
Professor James Frankel
Professor Mak Susanna Su Yin
Professor Eli Park Sorensen
Professor Sze Yim Binh Felix
Terms of Reference:
- To consider and endorse recommendations from the Examination Panels of Departments / Programmes regarding graduation assessment results and honours classification;
- To consider and approve recommendations from Departments / Programmes regarding students with academic problems;
- To consider and endorse the list of undergraduate students to be put on the Dean’s List of the Faculty;
- The term of service for Committee chairperson and members is two years.
* When necessary, the Committee should invite department representatives to discuss a specific case.
Professor Cheung Kam Siu
Professor Cai Zhenguang Garry
Professor He Xi
Professor Ho Chi Ming
Dr. Lee Siu Lun
Professor Wan Chui Ki Maggie
Professor Yao Zhihua
Ms. Sarah Chan
Ms. Janice Yip
Terms of Reference:
- To formulate administrative guidelines in handling student disciplinary cases and to provide guidance to ad hoc disciplinary sub-panels;
- To review and establish procedures for dealing with academic disciplinary matters pertaining to undergraduate and postgraduate students taking courses offered by the Faculty;
- To consider and adjudicate academic disciplinary matters reported by instructors in the Faculty;
- The term of service for Committee chairperson and members is two years.