We are the intellectual home for many world-renowned scholars, especially in the study of Chinese thought and culture.
Established in 1963, the Faculty of Arts has always been pivotal to CUHK’s commitment towards integrating Chinese and Western traditions, bilingual education and innovative research.

About the Faculty
CUHK ARTS is the largest Faculty dedicated to humanities research and education in Hong Kong, with 11 departments covering academic disciplines from Anthropology to Translation, a Center for China Studies, 2 language teaching units, and over 30 research centers.
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Dean’s Message
Humanities or liberal arts education is indispensable to any meaningful efforts to appreciate the richness of human history or to imagine a shared and desirable future.
Max Xiaobing Tang, Dean of Faculty of Arts
Sin Wai Kin Professor of Chinese Humanities
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Faculty Office of Arts, 2/F, Fung King Hey Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(852) 3943 7107
(852) 2603 5621