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Lu Rui

MA in Translation, 2021
  • Current Position
    Student of Master of Philosophy in Translation, CUHK

Why did you choose MA Translation at CUHK Faculty of Arts?

It was my optimal choice. Firstly, I decided that my primary choice of city would be Hong Kong, since I was so attracted to its world-class educational opportunities and its inclusive and vibrant culture. Secondly, renowned for a high reputation and prestige, CUHK provides a first-level MA in Translation programme, with influential and active scholars, translators and interpreters such as Professor Lawrence Wong, Professor Serena Jin and Ms. Jiang Hong lecturing there. Thirdly, the design of programme curriculum, by integrating diversity, speciality and complexity, puts emphasis on both practical experience and theoretical knowledge that serve the needs of students with different ambitions and interests.


What did you enjoy most at CUHK when studying MA Translation?

The teachers are extraordinarily professional and patient. By adopting very heuristic ways of teaching, they instil in the students not only technical details, but also awareness of critical thinking, proactive learning, and in-depth researching. A welcoming atmosphere is created for students to respect their peers’ background and strengths and to learn from each other. The students are placed before the teachers when it comes to commenting, correcting and refining each other’s work, so as to enhance understanding of diversified topics, confidence to do standalone researches and collaborative spirits. After thorough discussion among the students, the teachers’ conclusions are always specific, inspiring and uplifting, creating a comprehensive and effective learning experience.


Can you tell us your most valuable memories of studying MA Translation?

I was lucky enough to be registered in the English-Chinese Translation Workshop hosted by Professor Serena Jin and to become her course representative. Being a prestigious and respectable translator, Professor Jin constantly put students’ opinions before hers, however precious her comments would be. She was meticulous and dedicative. Beyond normal retirement age, she never minded spending extra hours to make sure that all the details, be it a small punctuation or wording, were internalized and digested by her students. Hours spent with her were pleasant and memorable. Upon the ending of her workshop each week, we were already looking forward to the next one. It had become a ritual that each week before class, we took guesses on the colour of beret that Professor Jin would wear. Although the stylish beret was different from week to week, so as topics and fields of translation were, her attitude towards translation and teaching never changed. 


Why did you choose to further your study? What brought you to it?

I was hesitated at the outset to pursue a master degree in translation, a speciality so diverged from my former background in engineering. But translation always attracted me, so much so that I wanted to approach it, know more about it and, hopefully, make it my life-long dedication. With this ambition, I turned my eye to Hong Kong, an ideal environment for language and culture learning as a trilingual society, and CUHK, a prestigious institution renowned for its devotion to the integration of Chinese culture and western best practices.


How your education prepared you for your choice of career/journey?

After graduation, I decided to pursue a research degree in the same discipline. Thanks to the diversity of the MA curriculum design, I was equipped with not only language skills and cultural awareness, but also theoretical knowledge and a research mindset. Taking courses with some of the senior research postgraduates and learning from the most experienced scholars in the field, I was introduced to the legacy of the ground-breaking insights as well as the frontline of the most exciting academic debates. That was a precious and unique opportunity which I always felt grateful, am experience that opened a new world to me and laid a solid foundation for my current endeavour. I always feel lucky to be provided with the chance to realize my dream at CUHK.


Where do you see yourself in the future?

With the fortune I acquired during my MA study at the Department of Translation in the Faculty of Arts, CUHK, I will forge ahead confidently in my academic career. In addition, the memories created, connections knotted and friendship established will be my accompany and source of power long and forever. My kinship with the university will last long, as I’ve wished on the orientation ceremony of class 2021 that “stories never end, and hearts always meet.”


What advice would you give to our current students?

I would like to advise you, encourage you, and even somehow challenge you (if I may) to explore your version of fun from this valuable chance. Enjoy your role of being a part of a community. Take the advantage of the world-class education offered by the university. Participate wholeheartedly to the specially designed and well-prepared courses, and cherish your time studying with the leading professionals and researchers of the field. With diligence, sensitivity, patience and insightful thoughts, I assure you a flourishing, inspiring and memorable learning processes. Above all, enjoy your life in Hong Kong, which I believe would refresh your mind on how lovely, colourful and vibrant a city can be.