Professor Wong Nim Yan
Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Professor Wong Nim Yan received his Bachelor of Arts (1996), Master of Philosophy (1999) and Doctor of Philosophy (2004) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She joined the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK in 2007 as an Assistant Professor, and was appointed Associate Dean (Publicity and Outreach) of the Faculty of Arts in August 2022.
Professor Wong’s primary areas of specialization are Hong Kong literature, the archival study of literature and women’s writing in Chinese literature. Her work of Late Style: Discourses on Three Hong Kong Women Writers (2007) won the recommended award of the tenth Hong Kong Biennial Awards for Chinese Literature (Literary Criticism). She has edited various anthologies including The Collection of Hong Kong Literature: Novels, 1942-1949 (2015), and compiled the reminiscence of Prof. Lo Wai-luen (Xiao Si) Looking Back at the Meandering Waters I&II (2017, 2018). As a columnist, she has written extensively on arts and literature for the Hong Kong newspaper Ming Pao. In the realm of radio, she is a contributor to RTHK’s podcast Meeting Literature.
Professor Wong obtained the Visiting Fellowship of Wolfson College in Cambridge University (2015–16). She is the director of the Hong Kong Literature Research Centre since 2016 and has recently focused on archival studies of Hong Kong literature and conducted the RGC funded project ‘Visualizing Hong Kong-China Relations: Lo Wai Luen (Xiao Si) (1939- ) Archival Studies and Oral History Project’(2018).

While standing by a river, the Master said, ‘What passes away is, perhaps, like this, day and night it never lets up.’
(The Analects; D. C. Lau translation)
Research Interests
- Hong Kong literature
- Archival studies of literature
- Women writers in modern Chinese literature
Books Authored
《晚期風格︰香港女作家三論》(Late Style: Discourses on Three Hong Kong Women Writers) (Hong Kong: Cosmos Books, 2007). (Hong Kong Literary Criticism Series)
Books Edited
《曲水回眸︰小思訪談錄》(Looking Back at the Meandering Waters: Interviews of Xiao Si) (Hong Kong: Oxford UP(China), 2017, 2018).
《香港文學大系︰小說卷二(1942-1949)》(The Anthology of Hong Kong Literature: Fiction II (1942-1949)) (Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 2015).
《香港散文典藏︰小思集》(Classics in Hong Kong Literary Essays: Xiao Si) (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company, 2013).
Book Translated
埃德蒙.威爾遜[美]著《阿克瑟爾的城堡︰1870至1930年的想像文學研究》(Edmund Wilson, Axel’s Castle: a Study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870-1930, c.1931) (Nanjing: Jiangsu Education Publishing House, 2006).