The Faculty of ARTS is committed to promoting effective dialogue within the humanities and bridging Chinese and Western cultures. We not only cultivate the transmission and transformation of knowledge, thought and culture, but offer an education that fosters critical thinking, and open and inquisitive minds.
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Undergraduate student
Postgraduate student
- By Departments and Teaching Units (13)

Department of Anthropology
Department of Anthropology
Established in 1980, the department offers the only undergraduate programmes in anthropology and archaeology in Hong Kong and has grown into an internationally recognized centre for the study of culture and society in Hong Kong, mainland China, and Asia.
BA in Anthropology
Undergraduate student
Studies the theories and methods of anthropology and archaeology while critically examining and researching a broad range of contemporary social, cultural and political phenomena.
Programme Website

Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Department of Chinese Language and Literature
As the oldest academic unit at CUHK, the department offers a diverse range of programmes. The department sets a foothold in Asia with a global vision, while also aiming to synthesise tradition with modernity.
BA in Chinese Language and Literature
Undergraduate student
The full-time undergraduate programme aims to train students to master the characteristics of Chinese language and literature and to understand its development. Students are well-trained in literary appreciation, criticism and writing.
Programme Website
BA in Chinese Language and Literature and Translation Double Major Programme
Undergraduate student
The Double Major Programme combines two qualifications – a full grasp of the quintessence of Chinese and the skills of translation – into one programme. Upon completion of the programme, students will play a crucial role in the acceleration of globalization and the growing economy of China.
Programme Website

Department of Cultural and Religious Studies
Department of Cultural and Religious Studies
The department comprises three units: Cultural Studies, Religious Studies and Theology. It is committed to cultivating world-class research on culture and religions, and advancing interdisciplinary humanities pedagogy, while cultivating students’ critical and creative thinking.
BA in Cultural Studies
Undergraduate student
The programme attempts to understand the political and social dimensions of culture and examine the ways in which culture is a contested site for conveying different ideologies. It cultivates acute cultural literacy to develop critical perspectives in the 21st century.
Programme Website
BA in Religious Studies
Undergraduate student
BA in Religious Studies uses an interdisciplinary approach to study religious phenomenon, and provides experiential learning opportunities to develop religious literacy so as to understand human culture and global issues in the 21st century.
Programme Website
BA in Theology
Undergraduate student
The Theology programme is a study of basic elements of Christianity. Students are required to take Biblical Studies, History of Christianity, Theology, Pastoral Studies and Christianity and Society. They may also take elective courses offered by this department and others.
Programme Website
BA in Public Humanities
Undergraduate student
The programme integrates the critical skills of Cultural Studies and practical know-how of Cultural Management, focusing not only on research and theories, but also on cultural practices, knowledge transfer, and public engagement. We aim to nurture a new generation of cultural mediators, producers, and professionals to meet the needs and challenges of contemporary society. We also aim to transform cultural practices for better community building.
Programme Website

Department of English
Department of English
The department engages the diverse uses of the global language, from digital media to second language acquisition, Shakespeare to crime fiction. Teaching and research address the language’s worldwide reach, its regional vitality and its creative transformation in Hong Kong.
BA in English
Undergraduate student
The major covers essentials of English studies, and offers opportunities to specialise. Throughout, students develop skills and knowledge in communication, linguistics and literature. Minors are offered in English as well as Creative Writing in English.
Programme Website
BA in English and History Double Major Programme
Undergraduate student
The Department of English collaborates with the Department of History on a double-major programme, providing integrated studies of diverse skills and knowledge in two academic disciplines. Students should first be admitted into the four-year programme of Bachelor of Arts in English before they can work towards a double major.
Programme Website

Department of Fine Arts
Department of Fine Arts
Placing dual emphases on studio art and art history, the department explores contemporary art while promoting traditional Chinese art and culture. As the first tertiary institute to offer visual arts education in Hong Kong, it has trained generations of local artists, art historians and art professionals.
BA in Fine Arts
Undergraduate student
The Department of Fine Arts offers a comprehensive and balanced undergraduate programme for students in order to prepare them for future careers in the arts. Such careers include that of artist, art historian, museum curator and other art-related professions.
Programme Website

Department of History
Department of History
For over 50 years, the department has nurtured talent in the historical profession and served as a world-leading centre of historical scholarship. Its wide range of research and teaching specialities ensures its continuation as a vibrant hub for advancing our understanding of the past.
BA in History
Undergraduate student
This four-year curriculum programme aims to equip our students to study history with global and interdisciplinary perspectives, bilingual skills and internship training, so as to broaden their minds, develop their creativity and originality, and hone their adaptability to change.
Programme Website
BA in History (Stream in Public History)
Undergraduate student
Starting from 2022/2023, we offer a new stream of BA Programme in Public History. This two-year curriculum stream is the first of its kind in Hong Kong, which emphasises interdisciplinary and cross-cultural academic training, practical and experiential learning.
Programme Website
BA in History and Japanese Studies Double Major Programme Undergraduate student
Undergraduate student
The Department of History collaborates with the Department of Japanese Studies on a double-major programme, providing integrated studies of diverse skill and knowledge in two academic disciplines. Students should first be admitted into the four-year programme of Bachelor of Arts in History before they can work towards a double major.
Programme Website
BA in History and English Double Major Programme
Undergraduate student
Our Department collaborates with the Department of English on a double-major programme, providing integrated studies of diverse skill and knowledge in two academic disciplines. Students should first be admitted into the four-year programme of Bachelor of Arts in History before they can work towards a double major.
Programme Website

Department of Japanese Studies
Department of Japanese Studies
Previously known as the Japanese Studies Section, the department was established in 1967 offering minor and elective courses. Since 1991, it has developed into a comprehensive programme providing undergraduate and postgraduate training in Japanese studies and language.
BA in Japanese Studies
Undergraduate student
The programme explores Japan through multiple disciplinary fields including anthropology, cultural history, film studies, linguistics, popular culture studies and sociology. It specialises in the study of the historical and contemporary relationships between Japan, Hong Kong, and China.
Programme Website
BA in Japanese Studies and History Double Major Programme
Undergraduate student
The Department of Japanese Studies collaborates with the Department of History on a double-major programme, providing integrated studies of diverse skill and knowledge in two academic disciplines. Students should first be admitted into the four-year programme of Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Studies before they can work towards a double major.
Programme Website

Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
The department was established in 2004 to address Hong Kong’s need for graduates with intellectual calibre as well as bilingual or multilingual competency.
BA in Linguistics
Undergraduate student
The BA Programme in Linguistics offers basic training in contemporary theories of language, and addresses such issues as the universal properties of natural language and the human mind, language acquisition in different modes and modalities, and language in different contexts.
Programme Website
BA in Bimodal Bilingual Studies
Undergraduate student
The BA Programme in Bimodal Bilingual Studies combines both spoken language linguistics and sign language linguistics in the design of the curriculum, emphasising the ground-breaking awareness that the visual modality is another medium for natural languages in human communication.
Programme Website
BA in Linguistics and Psychology Double Major Programme
Undergraduate student
The Double Major Programme jointly offered with the Department of Psychology provides an interdisciplinary framework for students to study human language in all modalities, spoken, written and sign, from a variety of perspectives, ranging from structural to social, cognitive and educational concerns. It also allows students to examine language from a psychological perspective, through the study of memory, cognition, human intelligence, and their neural underpinnings.
Programme Website
BA in Linguistics and Translation Double Major Programme
Undergraduate student
The Double Major Programme combines theoretical linguistic training with intense skilled training in the use of Chinese and English. The Linguistics Programme provides training in contemporary theories of language, while the Translation courses cover the technical aspects of translation across genres and professions.
Programme Website

Department of Music
Department of Music
The department has provided practical and academic training in both Chinese and Western music for more than 50 years. Apart from a BA in Music, it also offers MA, MMus, DMus, MPhil, and PhD programmes.
BA in Music
Undergraduate student
The programme provides training in the study of music both as a humanistic discipline and as a profession. Our well-balanced curriculum places equal emphasis on music making and academic studies, with courses that explore Western, Chinese and world musical traditions.
Programme Website

Department of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
The department offers a diverse, balanced curriculum incorporating Eastern and Western philosophical traditions that meets international standards while maintaining national and regional relevance.
BA in Philosophy
Undergraduate student
The programme aims to give students a strong liberal arts education, prepare them for advanced work in philosophy, and train them in critical thinking and communication skills applicable to a wide variety of professions.
Programme Website

Department of Translation
Department of Translation
Established in 1972, the department was the first of its kind in Asia. The Department offers BA, MA, MPhil, and PhD programmes covering the history, theory, and practice of translation between Chinese and English.
BA in Translation
Undergraduate student
The undergraduate programme equips students with the broad skills and perspectives essential for competent and reliable translators/interpreters. The curriculum covers a wide range of study areas, including literary translation, legal translation, business translation, subtitling, interpreting, translation studies and computer-aided translation.
Programme Website
BA in Translation and Chinese Language and Literature Double Major Programme
Undergraduate student
The Double Major Programme combines two qualifications – a full grasp of the quintessence of Chinese and the skills of translation – into one programme. Upon completion of the programme, students will play a crucial role in the acceleration of globalization and the growing economy of China.
Programme Website
BA in Translation and Linguistics Double Major Programme Undergraduate student
Undergraduate student
The Double Major Programme combines theoretical linguistic training with intense skilled training in the use of Chinese and English, equipping students with excellent bilingual ability as well as analytical and critical thinking skills which will enable them to function effectively in the workplace here or abroad.
Programme Website

Centre for China Studies
Centre for China Studies
The centre provides students with the opportunity to explore China from an interdisciplinary perspective. It is committed to advancing scholarship and education in all areas of China Studies and the Chinese language, with the aim of cultivating the next generation of specialists in the field.
BA in Chinese Studies
Undergraduate student
Taught in English, this undergraduate programme focuses on immersing students in a holistic approach to studying China to acquire a range of knowledge for a future career dealing with China.
Programme Website

Cultural Management
Cultural Management
Cultural Management is in fact a relatively new discipline which studies how cultural productions can be managed to enhance quality of life and facilitate policy-making.
BA in Cultural Management
Undergraduate student
BA Programme in Cultural Management emphasises cross-disciplinary studies, aiming to educate and shape students with visions, expertise and ethics to serve as cultural intermediaries. It builds competency in interpreting, defending and managing cultures, proactively facilitating the development of cultural and creative industries.
Programme Website
- By Departments and Teaching Units (12)

Department of Anthropology
Department of Anthropology
Established in 1980, the department offers the only undergraduate programmes in anthropology and archaeology in Hong Kong and has grown into an internationally recognized centre for the study of culture and society in Hong Kong, mainland China, and Asia.
MA in Anthropology
Postgraduate student
Introduces anthropological perspectives, theories, methods and practices, and provides students with intellectual tools and marketable skills to engage with our increasingly multicultural and globalising world.
Programme Website
MPhil in Anthropology
Postgraduate student
Teaches students the fundamental theories and methods of anthropology, and provides students with the anthropological training and guidance to carry out their own extended ethnographic research projects from the proposal stage to fieldwork and thesis writing.
Programme Website
PhD in Anthropology
Postgraduate student
Teaches the latest theories and methods of anthropology, guides students to carry out their own extended ethnographic research projects, and trains students to produce a publishable thesis that makes an original contribution and meets international professional standards of research and analysis.
Programme Website

Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Department of Chinese Language and Literature
As the oldest academic unit at CUHK, the department offers a diverse range of programmes. The department sets a foothold in Asia with a global vision, while also aiming to synthesise tradition with modernity.
MA in Chinese Language and Literature
Postgraduate student
The part-time MA programme aims to facilitate students’ personal professional development in Chinese language and literature, nurturing their research ability in various academic fields in Chinese as well as proficiency in the language.
Programme Website
MPhil in Chinese Language and Literature
Postgraduate student
The MPhil programme, available in full-time and part-time modes, offers professional academic courses and cultivates students’ independent research ability. This programme is suitable for students interested in academic research.
Programme Website
PhD in Chinese Language and Literature
Postgraduate student
The PhD programme, available in full-time and part-time modes, offers professional academic courses and cultivates students’ independent research ability. This programme is suitable for students interested in academic research.
Programme Website

Department of Cultural and Religious Studies
Department of Cultural and Religious Studies
The department comprises three units: Cultural Studies, Religious Studies and Theology. It is committed to cultivating world-class research on culture and religions, and advancing interdisciplinary humanities pedagogy, while cultivating students’ critical and creative thinking.
MA in Cultural Management
Postgraduate student
The programme prepares students to meet the challenges of ever-changing cultural industries. A core value of the programme is the act of cultural mediation, which touches on professional ethics, cultural rights, cultural identity, and the social dynamics within cultural representation.
Programme Website
MA in Intercultural Studies
Postgraduate student
The programme emphasises ‘inter-’ as a way of thinking critically about the relationships among socio-political processes, disciplinary knowledge, geopolitical conditions and cultural representations. We examine film and digital media, gender and queer politics, racial and class identity, urbanism and technoscience, and ecological and animal rights.
Programme Website
MA in Buddhist Studies
Postgraduate student
The programme aims to provide systematic and comprehensive training on Buddhist Studies and engage students in the historical study of tradition and discussion of contemporary social issues in a multi-disciplinary approach. It also promotes studies on Humanistic Buddhism and nurtures Buddhist talents.
Programme Website
MA in Religious Studies
Postgraduate student
The programme aims to cultivate students to understand religious culture from different traditions and disciplinary knowledge. It provides a broad and critical study in relating religious wisdom to human life and society.
Programme Website
MA in Christian Studies
Postgraduate student
The programme enables degree holders in any discipline to embark on a possibly lifelong journey in the academic study of the Christian traditions and their interaction with historical and contemporary contexts.
Programme Website
Master of Divinity
Postgraduate student
The programme offers post-graduate training to ministers, educators and church leaders; helping them achieve holistic development from a spiritual, intellectual and social aspect, so that they are equipped with a solid foundation for further studies.
Programme Website
MPhil-PhD in Cultural Studies
Postgraduate student
MPhil-PhD in Cultural Studies aims to extend the frontiers of research in global, regional and local culture. We encourage research into issues of culture pertinent to the local context, with an emphasis on critical theory and methodology in the field.
Programme Website
MPhil-PhD in Religious Studies
Postgraduate student
MPhil-PhD in Religious Studies provides different areas of research, including Buddhist Studies, Taoist Studies, Studies of Chinese Popular Religions, Christian Studies and Islamic Studies, with particular emphases on comparative and dialogical research methods as well as inquiries concerning the relationship between religion and culture or society.
Programme Website

Department of English
Department of English
The department engages the diverse uses of the global language, from digital media to second language acquisition, Shakespeare to crime fiction. Teaching and research address the language’s worldwide reach, its regional vitality and its creative transformation in Hong Kong.
MA in English (Applied English Linguistics)
Postgraduate student
The MA in English (AEL) is an intensive one-year (FT) or two-year (PT) taught postgraduate programme, offering courses including digital literacies and second language acquisition. Students use their knowledge of linguistics to engage real-world problems and develop high English proficiency.
Programme Website
MA in English (Literary Studies)
Postgraduate student
This is a one-year (FT) and two-year (PT) programme aimed at students who have previous exposure to the study of English-language literature and who seek to develop deeper understanding of the language, intellectual and artistic traditions of English-speaking cultures.
Programme Website
MPhil in English (Applied English Linguistics)
Postgraduate student
The programme provides advanced study and applied research in an area of specialisation covered by department staff. Students are expected to contribute to current research and relate applied linguistics to problems of English as an international language in Chinese or Asian contexts.
Programme Website
MPhil in English (Literary Studies)
Postgraduate student
The programme aims at goals appropriate to literary studies in English as well as Comparative Literature programmes internationally: to encourage critical and systematic studies of English and other literatures in the fullness of their mutual relationships.
Programme Website
PhD in English (Applied English Linguistics)
Postgraduate student
The programme provides advanced study and applied research in an area of specialisation covered by department staff. Students are expected to contribute to current research and relate applied linguistics to problems of English as an international language in Chinese or Asian contexts.
Programme Website
PhD in English (Literary Studies)
Postgraduate student
The programme encourages an understanding of advanced literary studies in English as well as a critical understanding of resemblances and differences in literatures with diverse cultural and philosophical backgrounds.
Programme Website

Department of Fine Arts
Department of Fine Arts
Placing dual emphases on studio art and art history, the department explores contemporary art while promoting traditional Chinese art and culture. As the first tertiary institute to offer visual arts education in Hong Kong, it has trained generations of local artists, art historians and art professionals.
Master of Fine Arts
Postgraduate student
The programme provides advanced training for students to develop a career in studio art through studio and art theory courses. Fields of specialisation include painting, sculpture, mixed media, Chinese painting, calligraphy and seal carving.
Programme Website
MPhil-PhD in Chinese Art
Postgraduate student
The programme provides academic training for students to conduct advanced research on history, theory and studio practice of Chinese art. It adopts an all-inclusive approach to Chinese art──traditional, modern, international and contemporary. It consists of two streams – Art History and Art Practice.
Programme Website
MA in Fine Arts
Postgraduate student
The programme provides a platform for the development of individual art practices. It will help students define or reconfigure their art projects and equip them with the critical tools and practical skills necessary for an advanced professional practice.
Programme Website

Department of History
Department of History
For over 50 years, the department has nurtured talent in the historical profession and served as a world-leading centre of historical scholarship. Its wide range of research and teaching specialities ensures its continuation as a vibrant hub for advancing our understanding of the past.
MA in Comparative and Public History
Postgraduate student
The programme emphasises a global perspective on studying history by comparative and cross-cultural methods. It strengthens the capability of our alumni to pursue a wide range of career paths.
Programme Website
MPhil in History
Postgraduate student
The MPhil Programme in History, by providing rigorous and thorough training in historical studies, facilitates students to work towards higher research degrees or to apply their diverse skills to research activities in any particular workplace.
Programme Website
PhD in History
Postgraduate student
This highly selective programme trains students to become professional scholars and high-calibre teachers. Students will engage in specific fields of research, develop their own expertise, and complete dissertations that meet internationally recognised standards.
Programme Website

Department of Japanese Studies
Department of Japanese Studies
Previously known as the Japanese Studies Section, the department was established in 1967 offering minor and elective courses. Since 1991, it has developed into a comprehensive programme providing undergraduate and postgraduate training in Japanese studies and language.
MPhil-PhD in Japanese Studies
Postgraduate student
The programme promotes the integration of teaching and research in Japanese Studies at an advanced level. It develops students as independent researchers in Japanese Studies from multi-disciplinary and methodological approaches.
Programme Website
MA in Japanese Studies
Postgraduate student
The MA Programme in Japanese Studies offers dynamic training in the study of Japan from a global perspective. The programme covers topics on Japanese society, culture, history and language using a multi-disciplinary approach.
Programme Website

Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
The department was established in 2004 to address Hong Kong’s need for graduates with intellectual calibre as well as bilingual or multilingual competency.
MPhil-PhD in Linguistics
Postgraduate student
The MPhil-PhD articulated Programme in Linguistics emphasises foundational training in the core areas of linguistic theory, and original research that sheds light on the properties of language and mind. We encourage research on language phenomena pertinent to the Asia-Pacific region.
Programme Website
MA in Chinese Linguistics and Language Acquisition
Postgraduate student
The MA Programme in Chinese Linguistics and Language Acquisition provides intensive training in contemporary analysis of Chinese language structure, the acquisition of Chinese as a first or second language, and the application of linguistic theory to the teaching of the Chinese language.
Programme Website
MA in Linguistics
Postgraduate student
The programme features an interdisciplinary approach to language study. It is designed to introduce students to current theories in linguistics and their various applications to language typology, language acquisition, language and modality, neuroscience, language teaching as well as culture and society.
Programme Website

Department of Music
Department of Music
The department has provided practical and academic training in both Chinese and Western music for more than 50 years. Apart from a BA in Music, it also offers MA, MMus, DMus, MPhil, and PhD programmes.
Doctor of Music
Postgraduate student
This is a doctoral degree programme in composition. There are no course requirements for the DMus and the study scheme focuses on the creation of a portfolio of music compositions.
Programme Website
Master of Music
Postgraduate student
This is a master's degree programme in composition. Students are required to take courses and produce a portfolio of music compositions.
Programme Website
MPhil in Music
Postgraduate student
The MPhil programme provides research-oriented academic training in three different specialisations, namely Ethnomusicology, Historical Musicology and Theory. Students are required to produce an original thesis under the guidance of a supervisor.
Programme Website
PhD in Music
Postgraduate student
The PhD programme provides research-oriented academic training in three different specialisations, namely Ethnomusicology, Historical Musicology and Theory. Students are required to produce an original thesis under the guidance of a supervisor.
Programme Website
MA in Music
Postgraduate student
This is a taught master programme that provides advanced academic and practical instructions on music and its broader cultural contexts to equip students with the critical skills and acumen they need for their future endeavours.
Programme Website

Department of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
The department offers a diverse, balanced curriculum incorporating Eastern and Western philosophical traditions that meets international standards while maintaining national and regional relevance.
MPhil in Philosophy
Postgraduate student
The programme provides solid academic training to students in philosophy, especially in the following specialised areas: Chinese/Eastern philosophy, Anglo-American philosophy, Continental-European philosophy and comparative philosophy.
Programme Website
PhD in Philosophy
Postgraduate student
The programme provides solid academic training to students in philosophy, especially in the following specialised areas: Chinese/Eastern philosophy, Anglo-American philosophy, Continental-European philosophy and comparative philosophy.
Programme Website
MA in Philosophy
Postgraduate student
Through courses on a wide range of topics and subfields in both Eastern and the Western traditions and in applied philosophy, the programme provides vigorous training in reflective thinking on those aspects from a philosophical point of view.
Programme Website
PhD in Translation
Postgraduate student
The PhD programme, available in full-time and part-time modes, is research-oriented. Students are assigned a thesis supervisor according to their research interest. This programme is suitable for students who are interested in academic research.
Programme Website

Department of Translation
Department of Translation
Established in 1972, the department was the first of its kind in Asia. The Department offers BA, MA, MPhil, and PhD programmes covering the history, theory, and practice of translation between Chinese and English.
MA in Translation
Postgraduate student
The programme aims to enhance students’ language and translation skills to meet the needs of the community, as well as increase their understanding of translation theories and cultural issues relating to translation studies.
Programme Website
MPhil in Translation
Postgraduate student
The MPhil programme, available in full-time and part-time modes, offers professional academic courses and nurtures students’ independent research ability. This programme is suitable for students who are interested in academic pursuits.
Programme Website

Centre for China Studies
Centre for China Studies
The centre provides students with the opportunity to explore China from an interdisciplinary perspective. It is committed to advancing scholarship and education in all areas of China Studies and the Chinese language, with the aim of cultivating the next generation of specialists in the field.
MPhil in Chinese Studies
Postgraduate student
A two-year advanced research training programme in the interdisciplinary study of China, taught and examined in English and pursued in a multilingual Chinese community, dedicated to studying Chinese culture and society in an environment of academic freedom.
Programme Website
PhD in Chinese Studies
Postgraduate student
An intensive research training programme taught in English, supported by one of the largest and most diverse collection of China scholars worldwide, trains future teachers and China scholars using an interdisciplinary approach.
Programme Website
MA in Chinese Studies
Postgraduate student
A one-year programme taught in English that provides students with a wide array of study topics to develop their interests and further their career prospects related to China.
Programme Website