We are thrilled to share the accomplishments from our recent outreach trips aimed at student recruitment, which took us to the wonderful cities of Hanoi, Jakarta, and Kuala Lumpur. These initiatives are essential in introducing the rich academic culture and myriad opportunities that the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Faculty of Arts offers to prospective undergraduate and postgraduate students internationally.
We extend our deepest appreciation to all the faculty members who participated in these trips. Our representatives engaged with future undergraduates in Hanoi and Jakarta, providing a comprehensive look into the CUHK experience and the extensive programmes offered by the Faculty of Arts. The visit to Kuala Lumpur was an excellent opportunity for postgraduate student engagement, emphasising our commitment to research excellence and a nurturing scholarly environment.
The Faculty of Arts looks forward to welcoming new students from these regions and believes that they will contribute to the diversity and dynamism of our academic community. We hope that our efforts during these trips have provided a clearer picture of what CUHK and CUHK Arts can offer.