The term “Western Civilization” has the power to split people into bitterly opposed camps. Some claim it is the source of all that is good in the world; others that it is the origin of the worst evils faced by contemporary society. But both sides are wrong. Moving beyond good and evil, I will tell two unexpected stories: first, I will explain how today’s conventional view of Western Civilization arose in very particular cultural contexts and was driven by very particular motivations. Second, and more importantly, I will argue that the historical reality is more complicated and much more interesting: the classical tradition understood to underlie Western Civilization is global, more diverse and commingled than people have imagined. It’s not just that subaltern peoples have engaged with the classical tradition; in fact, it’s that subaltern peoples have always been an essential part of shaping that tradition. In a series of brief case studies, I will illustrate the rich diversity of the classical tradition over the past two millennia.
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