The Faculty would like to congratulate Dr. LAI Pit Shun from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature on receiving the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2018. The Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award has been given annually since 1999 by the Vice-Chancellor to exemplary teachers nominated by the Dean of each Faculty and the Senate Committee on General Education in recognition of their outstanding teaching performance.
The Faculty would also like to congratulate Professor Kwok Bit-chee from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature and Dr. Reto Winckler, a PhD graduate from the Department of English, on receiving the Young Researcher Award 2018 and Postgraduate Research Output Award 2018 respectively. Professor Kwok was awarded for his research monograph Southern Min: Comparative Phonology and Subgrouping (Routledge, 2018), while Dr. Winckler was recognized for his journal article “Profound Farce: William Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors as farcical scepticism” (In Cahier Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies, 2018, Vol. 97(1) 4–19).
The two awards were established in 2002 to recognize the research accomplishments of young faculty members and to encourage quality research. The Young Researcher Award is open to all eligible full-time teachers at Assistant Professor rank or above and below the age of 45, while the Postgraduate Research Output Award is open to all eligible full-time or part-time postgraduate students of the University. The Dean of each Faculty is invited every year to nominate, for each award, one member who has produced the best research output. The Research Committee considers nominations received and recommends successful candidates for approval by the Administrative and Planning Committee.