The Outstanding Teaching Award and Dean’s List Ceremony 2021-2022 of CUHK Faculty of Arts was held successfully on 25 March 2023 (Saturday). More than 300 participants joined the ceremony together on campus to honour and congratulate our dedicated teachers and outstanding students.
Dean of Arts, Professor Max Xiaobing Tang delivered a warm welcome speech to especially thank Professor David Faure, Emeritus Professor of the Department of History for being the ceremony’s Guest of Honour. Dean Tang sent his warmest congratulations to the 21 award-winning teachers for their contributions to inspiring students. Professor Wendy Lee of the Department of Music gave a sharing on behalf of the award-winning teachers. Additionally, nearly 360 students from undergraduate and postgraduate programmes earned a coveted spot on the Dean’s List for the 2021-2022 academic year. Peter Wang (UG Year 2) from the Department of Philosophy shared his love of wisdom and encouraged the peers to continue acquiring knowledge to be a better self and serve the community.
Heartfelt congratulations to all the award recipients and students who achieved academic excellence! We look forward to next year’s ceremony!