A musician, music teacher or teacher? An exploration of multiple identities in a Hong Kong primary music teacher

Title: A musician, music teacher or teacher? An exploration of multiple identities in a Hong Kong primary music teacher

Speaker: Stephanie Hoi-Ying Chan (Institute of Education, University College London)

Date: Friday, 16 September 2022

Time: 1-2:30 pm

Mode: In-person and online

Venue: Room 114, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK

Zoom Meeting Link: https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/91664428685

Meeting ID: 916 6442 8685

Passcode: 730974


The concept of Musical Identities is twofold (MacDonald et al., 2002, 2017). They refer to the defined social and cultural roles within music (identities in music) for example the development of Musical Identities through enculturation, the school environment and performances. At the same time, Musical Identities also refer to how human use music as a means to develop other aspects of personal identities (music in identities) for instance gender identity, identity in adolescence, national identity and teacher identity. In this study, a theoretical   framework   of   Role-identity   Theory   (McCall   &   Simmons,   1978)   and   Musical Identities (MacDonald et al., 2002, 2017) will be adopted to understand the development of multiple identities in a Hong Kong primary music teacher and explore the relationship between various social contexts and the development of her multiple identities. As part of the doctoral research,  this  qualitative  single  case  study  uses  an  experiential  research methodology, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), to explore the personal meaning and lived experience of the case participant. The findings from the first phase reveal the multiplicity of roles and identities within their teaching contexts as well as their ongoing and previous musical  experiences which lead to two emergent questions for the next phase of the research: Are the multiple identities mutually supportive or subject to tensions? What is the relationship between teacher’s agency and the performance of identities?


Stephanie Hoi-Ying Chan is currently a PhD candidate in Music Education at the Institute of Education, University College London (UCL) under the supervision of Dr Jo Saunders and Professor Graham Welch. Stephanie’s doctoral research explores the development of multiple identities in primary music teachers, music teacher’s identity negotiation and teacher’s agency. Her other research interests include musical development in children and adolescents, national identity and the school music curriculum as well as curriculum development.

Stephanie read Music at the Hong Kong Baptist University and later completing an MA in Music Education at the Institute of Education, UCL. Stephanie was previously a primary school teacher, piano teacher and research  assistant  in  Music Education before embarking on her doctoral journey.  Since  2021,  Stephanie has been working for the MA Music Education at UCL and being recognised as an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

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