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13 February 2025

In this episode, we explore the career prospects of anthropology graduates. Three recent CUHK anthropology graduates share their experiences in job-seeking and how skills and knowledge gained from studying anthropology help them in the workplace—at a university library, as a research assistant, and in the field of market research. Let’s find out the distinctive characteristics of an anthropological background, and how it can make yourself a stronger candidate in a job interview! 

Host: Mark, Misa

(This episode is conducted in Cantonese.)


05’00  Cross-cultural communication in academic activity organization

11’56  Bringing the anthropological perspective to research projects of other disciplines

21’58  Anthropological research methods and market research

33’33  Getting to Know Anthropology: Four Fields of Anthropology


Credit: Opening and Closing Music “Paradise Found” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License-http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


About the Series: “Gwaa Gua Anthropology” is a podcast project of the Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and is produced by anthropology students and graduates. This series aims to find delight in surprising insights and thought-provoking experiences, with guests from different cultural backgrounds and career fields joining the conversation and sharing their perspectives of anthropology. A wide variety of topics in everyday life will be covered, from trending news to global issues, from technology to gender to ethnicity and more. Join us and discover the “out-of-ordinary” encounters in the field of anthropology!

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