Research Assistant

Research Assistant   (220002P9)



Professor Andrew B. Kipnis of the Department of Anthropology is recruiting a Research Assistant to work with him on his GRF grant “Designs for the Dead in Hong Kong.” The position will last for three years, beginning on January 2, 2023, with an opportunity to start as part-time basis initially in the end of 2022 if that is desired. Applicants need to commit for at least the first two years of the position as some of the duties in the first year involve preparation for work conducted in the second year of the grant. 


Applicants should have/be (i) a BA or BS degree in a social science discipline, preferably in Anthropology or Sociology; (ii) native Cantonese speaker with excellent spoken English and some Mandarin; (iii) willingness to interact with people employed in the funerary sector and to regularly visit cemeteries, funeral homes, and coffin shops; and (iv) willingness to learn new skills on the job. 


Other desired attributes:

  • Experience in survey research (design and the administration of surveys). If not already experienced in this area, the appointee must be willing to learn survey research skills by taking courses during the first year of the grant.
  • Hard-working, reliable, good communicator.


Duties include (a) arranging interviews; (b) accompanying Prof. Kipnis during interviews and helping with translation if needed; (c) maintaining a database of project participants; (d) designing and assisting in the administration of survey(s); and (e) organising conference(s). 


Applicants should provide the following documents in the online application: (1) a cover letter; (2) curriculum vitae; and (3) copies of academic certificates and/or reference letters.


Appointment will initially be made on contract basis for two years commencing January 2023, renewable subject to good performance and mutual agreement.


Please view below link for Online Application:

Job Description – Research Assistant (220002P9) (taleo.net)

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