[Open for Order!] [Vote!] Anthropology Department 40th Anniversary Souvenir Design Competition

(10 March Update) 

Congratulations to our alumni Chan Tsz Lam (jacket & cupholder design no.4) and Ma Yau Ka (cardholder design no.3) for getting the highest votes and winning the competition!

The souvenirs can be ordered now. Please fill in the order form and complete the payment online by March 31: https://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/~ant/40ann/itempayment.php

(25 January)

Thank you, students and alumni for participating in the Anthropology Department 40th Anniversary Souvenir Design Competition! The souvenirs include:
Lightweight jacket (prize: $500 worth cash coupon & one product)
Beverage cup holder (prize: $300 worth cash coupon & one product)
Cardholder (prize: $300 worth cash coupon & one product)

Winners of the above three items will be decided by voting. Current students, alumni and staff of the Anthropology Department are eligible to vote, and each person can vote for one design for each item. The votes will be confidential. The personal information collected is for authentication purpose only.

The voting period is from 25 January to 5 February, and the results will be announced on 8 February. Vote for your favorites now: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=11901823

For inquiry, please contact the Anthropology Student Society at anthrobillion@gmail.com.

春秋風褸外套 Lightweight jacket

一號作品 Design no.1本系列設計圍繞人類學系使用的LOGO衍生而成,加之40週年的紀念樣式,以紅和綠的主色調展開。風衣外套不僅要展現人類學的氣息也要保有實用性和藝術性,紅色可以代表了熱情,綠色可以解釋生命,衣服袖子上的單詞來源於希臘文,象徵著人類學悠久的歷史和源遠流長,也代表了為研究社會和跨時空的多樣性,我們對所有的試煉甘之如飴。


二號作品 Design no.2

人類學訓練中強調要同時能從“outside-in”和“ inside-out”來看待一個現象,我把生活中反復“穿脫衣服”的動作看成這一視角轉換的隱喻,把裡(inside)和外(outside)分別印在衣服內外,來提醒著穿著者(當然,這件衣服也可以反過來穿)。作為紀念衫的衣服和畢業服有相通之處又不盡相同,這是各自孤獨田野的大家重新聚在一起時會穿上的,如果試著把不同人的衣服通過拉鍊連在一起就可以看到衣服的inside和outside混合在一起,這將會是一個重聚時的小遊戲。


三號作品 Design no.3


四號作品 Design no.4



外賣飲品杯套 Beverage cup holder

一號作品 Design no.1

二號作品 Design no.2

三號作品 Design no.3

四號作品 Design no.4


卡套 Cardholder

一號作品 Design no.1


二號作品 Design no.2

三號作品 Design no.3

The design uses the classic “upside down” world map to illustrate how Anthropology challenges what society takes for granted, and how it “makes the familiar strange”. The slightly simplified graphic expresses the conceptual and interpretive nature of Anthropology.

四號作品 Design no. 4

五號作品 Design no. 5


Entries for the Anthropology Department 40th Anniversary Design Competition are shown above. Vote for your favorites by 5 February!

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