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Francesco VECCHIO
Francesco VECCHIO

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Office NAH 411
Office Tel. 3943 7663
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Educational qualification PhD, Monash University


Francesco Vecchio is an adjunct assistant professor and was previously a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Anthropology He is also an adjunct research fellow in the Centre for Law and Justice at Charles Sturt University. He was previously a post-doctoral research fellow in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the same university. His research interests span across several disciplines with a focus on mixed migratory movements, irregular border crossing and informality. He is part of the expanding network of researchers and non-government organizations gathered at Monash University’s Border Crossing Observatory.

Research interests

Asylum seekers and refugees, arrival city and urban change, labour and mobility, ethnic and informal economies

Geographical areas of research

Hong Kong, Italy, Australia

Courses taught

ANTH 4210/5215 Ethnic groups, ethnic relations and identities

Selected Publications
2017 Vecchio, F. and Gerard, A. (eds) Entrapping asylum seekers: social, legal and economic precariousness, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
2015 Asylum seeking and the global city, Abingdon: Routledge.
Journal articles
Forthcoming 2018 Weber, L., Mohn, S., Vecchio, F. and Fili A. ‘Beyond deportation: researching the control of outward mobility using a space of flows logic’, Global Networks.
2018 Vecchio, F. and Ham, J. ‘From subsistence to resistance: Asylum seekers and the other “Occupy” in Hong Kong’, Critical Social Policy, 38(2), 201-221
2016 ‘The economy of seeking asylum in the global city’, International Migration, 54(1), 19-31.
2014 Vecchio, F. and Beatson, C. ‘Asylum seekers’ Occupy protest in Hong Kong’, Race & Class, 56(2), 96-104.
2013 Vecchio, F. and Beatson, C. ‘Resisting government labelling and engaging the community: The ‘March For Protection’ in Hong Kong’, Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration, 3(1), 24-29.
2011 Vecchio, F. and Crocitti, S. ‘Italia e Australia: politiche e strumenti di controllo delle migrazioni a confronto’, Mondi Migranti, 2, 195-227.
Book chapters
Forthcoming 2018 van Liempt, I. and Vecchio, F. ‘Refugee mobility across networks and cities’, in T. Schwanen (ed) Handbook of Urban Geography, London: Edward Elgar Publishing.
2017 Gerard, A. and Vecchio, F. ‘Entrapping asylum seekers: Introduction’ in F. Vecchio and A. Gerard (eds) Entrapping asylum seekers: social, legal and economic precariousness, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1-23.
2017 ‘Asylum seeker materiality and identity-building: shapers of socio-legal incarceration’, in F. Vecchio and A. Gerard (eds) Entrapping asylum seekers: social, legal and economic precariousness, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 247-270.
2017 ‘Controllo e irregolarità in Asia e Australia’, in Fondazione ISMU (Ed) XXII Rapporto sulle Migrazioni 2016, Milan: FrancoAngeli, 213-226.
2016 ‘Richiedenti asilo in rotta verso l’Australia’, in Fondazione ISMU (Ed) XXI Rapporto sulle Migrazioni 2015, Milan: FrancoAngeli, 269-281.
2015 Vecchio, F. and Gerard, A. ‘Surviving the politics of illegality’, in S. Pickering and J. Ham (Eds.) Routledge Handbook on Crime and International Migration , Abingdon: Routledge, 179-192.
2014 ‘Vent’anni d’immigrazione in Asia’, in Fondazione ISMU (Ed.) XX Rapporto sulle Migrazioni 2014, Milan: FrancoAngeli, 287-302.
2014 ‘La promessa e la realtà dell’asilo in Asia’, in Fondazione ISMU (Ed.), XIX Rapporto sulle Migrazioni 2013 , Milan: FrancoAngeli, 203-213.
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