

Dor Dor and Yuen Yuen: Searching for the Best Gift

Authors: Wai-man Tang, Siumi Maria Tam, and Jack Nok Hang Li

Publisher: Institute of Future Cities, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

ISBN: 978-988-70460-0-4

Dor Dor and Yuen Yuen: Searching for the Best Gift features engaging stories that encourage children to explore intercultural differences and similarities. Through these stories, children develop empathy and appreciation for the diverse cultures around the world. The book also imparts important life lessons such as cooperation, patience, and courage. Additionally, STEAM handicrafts are included to serve as classroom activities that can foster children's cultural imagination. These hands-on activities allow young learners to actively participate in the learning process and create tangible representations of the cultures they encounter in the stories.

The book an excellent tool for intercultural education both in the classroom and at home. It complements existing curriculum objectives by promoting diversity, inclusivity, and global awareness. By embracing their own cultural heritage and developing an open-minded attitude towards others, children can grow into well-rounded individuals.

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