Exhibit Type: Archeological Replica
Code: ANT00354
Name: Proconsul africanus, cranium with dentition (no.16)原康修爾猿非洲種維多利湖魯盛加島顱骨連牙齒
Date acquired: 1989
Acquisition method: Purchase
Donated/ presented by (if a gift):
Geographic Origin: Rusinga Island, Lake Victoria, Africa
Conditions when acquired: Complete
Preservation and repairing method(s): Not required
Description and identification
Authenticity of the item (only for archaeological items): Replica
Material (not applicable for archaeological replicas): plastic
Colour: grey
No. of pieces: 1
Measurement (cm):
Ethnic origin:
Date item was made:
Application after acquisition (e.g. used for teaching, exhibition etc): Teaching
Additional information: This African Dryopithecinae was discovered in 1948 by L.S.B. and Mary Leakey on Rusinga Island in Lake Victoria. The basicranial and occipital portions of the left side of the cranium are missing. The right side is remarkably complete; however, it was crushed during fossilization and is distorted. The mandible has dentition and is very complete. Primitive dryopithecines lived in Africa as long as 20 million years ago.
Present Location (if not same with usual storage):
Remarks: C16
First recorded by: Catherine Wong (2007)