Transfer-In Students

Information for Transfer-In Students

Students who apply for change of major should refer to the notices of departments about the requirements and observe their procedures. For any applications which are to be approved by department, the student should have satisfied at least one of the following minimum conditions, as prescribed by the Senate:

    • the student has taken course(s) of at least 6 units with an average grade of not less than B- that would count towards the major requirements of the programme; or
    • the admission WGPA score (e.g. HKDSE) of the student must be better than the student at the lowest decile who had been successfully admitted to the programme concerned in the same year that s/he was first admitted to the University; or
    • the student has attained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above in the current academic year.

Remarks: (Please refer to the RES’ formal announcement in each year for the actual arrangement)

  1. The RES usually open the application in June each year.
  2. Except students admitted to broad-based programmes, students MUST submit the application for change of major under CUSIS (select “Application” > “Program-Related Change”) on or before 30 June, indicating fulfillment of at least one of the conditions listed above, and upload their document (e.g. a personal statement, an unofficial transcript, HKDSE result slip), if applicable, for departments’ reference. Students will be invited to attend an interview with the Department Chairperson usually in the first week of July. For detailed system walkthrough, please refer to the information posted under RES homepage (click “CUSIS System Functions” under “Quick Links” > “Application for Program Change”).
  3. Students with broad-based programmes (e.g. Social Science, Science, Engineering etc.) MUST obtain the application form from RES (either at the counter, or by sending an e-mail to ugadmin@cuhk.edu.hk), so that RES staff can check and advise details if they wish to change major.
  4. Departments will indicate approval or not under CUSIS in early July. Students are required to confirm their acceptance of the NEW major (for approval cases) during a period as designated by the RES. Once a new major is accepted, all other application(s), if any, will be rejected automatically. This confirmation means the final decision.
  5. Students concerned will receive a formal approval letter from RES concerning the change of major by late July.

For more information, please visit the webpage of Registration and Examinations Section, Registry.

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