Students and Alumni
Josef Adriel DE GUZMAN
Josef Adriel DE GUZMAN

PhD Student

Educational qualification B.A. in Behavioral Sciences, University of the Philippines, 2014
M.A. in Anthropology, University of the Philippines, 2019
Home town Manila, Philippines
Email deguzmanjad@link.cuhk.edu.hk

I developed my interest in anthropology after some fieldwork among the Aeta of Zambales and a brief internship at the National Museum of the Philippines as an undergraduate. While teaching at the University of the Philippines, I also studied for my master’s in anthropology, where I conducted fieldwork among Filipino migrants in Hong Kong to explore how food can be used as a cultural lens to understand how migrant identities change and develop. My main research interests are migration, archaeology, material culture studies, and the anthropology of food and eating. I am particularly interested in how culture develops as a result of movement or change and how this process can be understood by examining the changes with how we interact with our social and material worlds, such as through the people we meet, the objects we use, or the food that we eat.

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