

Office NAH 411
Office Tel. 3943 7663
Email mankeitam@cuhk.edu.hk
Educational qualification PhD in Anthropology, CUHK 2018
MA in Anthropology, CUHK 2014
MPhil in Sociology, Hong Kong Baptist University 2000


Mankei Tam (譚萬基) is currently the postdoctoral fellow of the project HealthXCross funded by the European Research Council (https://pric.unive.it/projects/healthxcross/home). Graduated in Anthropology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2018, Mankei has an MA in Anthropology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (2014) and an MPhil in Sociology from the Hong Kong Baptist University (2000). Titled Radioactive Citizens: Reassembling Life in Post-Fukushima Japan, his dissertation contemplates citizens’ capacity and self-empowering practices to forge trans-local links and engage the Japanese state in critical assessments of the risks of radiation, and thereby crucial measures in protecting their homes and resuming agriculture in a multispecies landscape where radioactive isotopes still linger. His research interests include Political Ecology, Science and Technology Studies, multispecies ethnography, and studies in social movements. He is working on his first manuscript, Living with Fukushima: Technology, Collaboration, and Intimacy.

Since 2005, Man-kei has engaged in environmental activism in Asia through Greenpeace and Earthwatch. He was the Director of Amnesty International Hong Kong from 2019-2020.


2020–23 Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Research Grant Council, HKSAR

2013-14 Dean’s List, Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Selected Publications

Tam, Mankei. 2020. “Enlivening Data: Reassembling Life in Post-Fukushima Japan.” STS Encounters. Special Issue: Engaging the Data Moment. 11(1):199-226. https://doi.org/10.7146/stse.v11i1.135281

Tam, Mankei. 2023. “Where Have All the Flowers Gone? Planting Optimism in a Disrupted Ecology.” In Anna Willow, ed., Anthropological Optimism: The Power of What Could Go Right. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/b23231-5

Tam, Mankei. 2023. “‘Skin of the Earth’: On Soil, Collaboration, and Temporality After Fukushima.” Environmental Humanities. 15(2): 39–61. https://doi.org/10.1215/22011919-10422278

Public Anthropology/ Op-eds

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. 2020. “The Nuclear Crisis Is Ongoing, Yet It’s Not Hopeless.”19 November. https://hk.boell.org/en/2020/11/19/nuclear-crisis-ongoing-yet-its-not-hopeless

福島復興知学講義. 2021. 「原発危機は続いているが、絶望的ではない – 一度は放棄された福島の農地で農業を再開する」. 秋光信佳、溝口勝編. 東京大学出版会.

Courses taught

ANTH 2380/UGEC 2950 Environmental Crises and Cultures of Survival (former title “The Environment and Culture”)

2022 “Activism Reloaded: Beyond Abandonment and Sacrifice After Fukushima.” the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, “Revolutionary Potential of the Social Sciences: Transforming Possibilities”. Salt Lake City, UT, 22-26 March 2022.
2021 “Madei: Co-constituting Liveable Futures With Soil After Fukushima.” the 2021 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, “Truth and Responsibility”. Baltimore, MD, 17-21 November 2021.
2021 “‘Skin of the Earth’: On Soil, Collaboration, and Temporality after Fukushima.” Friday Seminar. Department of Anthropology, Chinese University of Hong Kong. 9 April 2021.
2020 “Soil, Madei, Farmers: Temporalities of the Everyday After the Nuclear Fallout.” 16th European Association of Social Anthropologist Biennial Conference, “New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe”. Virtual Lisbon conference, 20-24 July 2020.
2019 “Contaminated but Safe: Soil, Madei, and Farmers in the Altered Ecologies in Post- Fukushima Japan.” The 85th South Asia and Indian Ocean Studies Seminar. Kyoto University, 16 April, 2019.
2019 “Contaminated but Safe: Reassembling Life in Post-Fukushima Japan.” Workshop for Change: The Fukushima Effect—Nuclear Accidents, Official Responses and the Lives of People. Claremont McKenna College, 8 March, 2019.
2019 “Fukushima+Eight: Lessons from Citizen Science in Japan.” Environmental and Climate Justice Hub 2018-2019 “Residues of Harm” Series. University of California, Santa Barbara, 4 March 2019.
2018 “Radioactive Intimacies: Some Thoughts on Writing Human-Animal Interaction in an Altered Ecology.” Japanese Environmental Humanities in the Desert. University of California, Irvine, 10-13 December, 2018.
2018 “Co-constituting in an Altered Ecology: Radioactive Citizens in Post-Fukushima Japan.” 2018 Annual Conference of the Taiwan Society for Anthropology and Ethnology, “Transcendence and Return”. National Taitung University, 6 October, 2018.
2018 “Radioactive Citizens: Reassembling Life in Post-Fukushima Japan.” Political Ecology Network (POLLEN) Biennial Conference 2018, “Political Ecology, the Green Economy, and Alternative Sustainabilities”. Oslo Metropolitan University, 21 June, 2018.
2018 “Radioactive Citizens: Reassembling Life in Post-Fukushima Japan.” International Workshop on Environmental Humanities. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 10 April, 2018.
1997 “‘Pseudo-Hong Kong Citizen’: Discursive Strategy of the Hong Kong Citizens’ Alliance in Defense of Human Rights.” The Multi-Ethnic Literature in United States (MELUS), University of Hawaii (Manoa), “Multi-Ethnic Literature Across the Americas and the Pacific: Exchanges, Contestations, and Alliances.” April 16-20, 1997.
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