Hong Kong refugee musicians put on hip-hop shows – a form of release while they’re stuck in bureaucratic limbo

South China Morning Post Kylie Knott


Talents Displaced are a musical group made up of asylum seekers and refugees. Photo: Edward Wong

“We started about a year ago,” says Frank, who does not want to reveal his surname. “Sealing was looking for a group of talented asylum seekers to showcase their talents to help change public perception about us,” he says.

Sealing is Sealing Cheng, a professor of anthropology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). She has been researching the city’s refugees and asylum seekers since 2012 and found among this community a number of talented artists with much creative potential.

“This group provides a platform for asylum seekers and refugees to bring their creative energies together, showcase their musical talent to the Hong Kong public, and express their ideas,” says Cheng.

Read the article in South China Morning Post

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