Archaeology, Architecture and Public Engagement: Preserving a Century-old Underground Reservoir in Bishop Hill, Hong Kong



Prof. Sharon Wong hosted the discussion on preserving a Century-old Underground Reservoir in Bishop Hill, Hong Kong with archaeologist, architects, and museum manager from Hong Kong, U.K and Australia.

Date & Time: 5-8:30 pm (Hong Kong Time), January 9th 2021, Saturday

Host: Sharon Wong (Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)


Nicky Wong (Registered Architect, Co-founder of “Hong Kong Heritage Exploration 香港探古”);

Shita Lam (Master of Architecture, School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong);

Jim Crow (Professor of Classical Archaeology, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, UK);

Stephen Clews (Manager of The Roman Baths & Pump Room, Bath, UK); and

Tim Greer (Adjunct Professor School of Architecture and Design, Sydney University and Director of Tonkin Zulaikha Greer Architects)

Webinar full recording available on Facebook and YouTube.

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