

学生(三三四学制 / 中七 / 副学士 / 高级文凭) 可于AQS查询自己入学年份的修读规定

或在此下载 (2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24, 2024-25 pdf 格式)



本系设有七个(2018年或以前入学)/ 六个(2019年开始)专修范围,主修生可按个人兴趣及需要修习范围内的科目。学系鼓励学生申报专修范围,但这并非硬性规定。当学生修毕专修范围所指定的科目,便可向学系申报,学系会颁授一张证明状予学生。2018年度入学之学生,请到此连结,2019年度及之後入学之学生,请到此连结



ANTH 1710 Understanding Archaeology
ANTH 2370 Intangible Heritage in Hong Kong
ANTH 2710 Archaeology of China
ANTH 2720 Archaeology of Hong Kong
ANTH 2730 Preserving Cultural Heritage
ANTH 2740 Deciphering the Past: Culture, Archaeology and Science
ANTH 2760 China’s Cultural Heritage
ANTH 2810 Human Evolution
ANTH 3770 Making Places: Landscapes, Culture and Society
ANTH 3780 Archaeological Field Methods
ANTH 3790 Archaeological Field Study
ANTH 4720 Museums and Anthropology


ANTH 2230 Anthropology of Film
ANTH 2520 Globalization and Culture
ANTH 2730 Preserving Cultural Heritage
ANTH 2760 China’s Cultural Heritage
ANTH 3370 Tourism and Culture
ANTH 3770 Making Places: Landscapes, Culture and Society
ANTH 4220 Visual Anthropology
ANTH 4720 Museums and Anthropology


ANTH 2324 Indian Cultures and Society (*new in 2022-23)
ANTH 2380 Environmental Crises and Cultures of Survival
ANTH 2420 Culture and Modernity in China
ANTH 2510 Culture and Business
ANTH 2520 Globalization and Culture
ANTH 2530 Political Violence and Human Rights
ANTH 2540 Social Media and Culture
ANTH 3340 Disapora: Migration, Identity and Ethnicity
ANTH 3350 Food and Culture
ANTH 3370 Tourism and Culture
ANTH 3380 Economy, Culture and Power
ANTH 3450 Seminars in the Anthropology of China
ANTH 3540 Anthropology of Gender, Sexuality and the Law
ANTH 3770 Making Places: Landscapes, Culture and Society
ANTH 4210 Ethnic Groups, Ethnic Relations and Identities
ANTH 4330 Medicine, Health and Culture
ANTH 4410 The Culture of Cities


ANTH 1410 Culture of Hong Kong
ANTH 2370 Intangible Heritage of Hong Kong
ANTH 2410 Chinese Culture and Society
ANTH 2420 Culture and Modernity in China
ANTH 2710 Archaeology of China
ANTH 2720 Archaeology of Hong Kong
ANTH 2760 China’s Cultural Heritage
ANTH 3430 Cultures of Chinese Overseas
ANTH 3450 Seminars in the Anthropology of China


ANTH 2310 Gender and Culture
ANTH 2324 Indian Cultures and Society (*new in 2022-23)
ANTH 2330 Gender in Asia
ANTH 2340 Magic, Myth and Supernatural
ANTH 2350 Meanings of Life
ANTH 2351 Death, Death Ritual and Culture
ANTH 2360 Ethics and the Human Experience
ANTH 2390 Sports and Culture
ANTH 2404 Understanding Islam
ANTH 2520 Globalization and Culture
ANTH 3310 Religion and Culture
ANTH 3630 Language, Symbols and Society
ANTH 4210 Ethnic Groups, Ethnic Relations and Identities


ANTH 1310 Marriage, Family and Kinship
ANTH 2320 Culture and Mind
ANTH 2321 From Madness to Mental Health
ANTH 2351 Death, Death Ritual and Culture
ANTH 2380 Environmental Crises and Cultures of Survival
ANTH 2390 Sports and Culture
ANTH 2810 Human Evolution
ANTH 3350 Food and Culture
ANTH 3360 Anthropology of Body, Love and Emotions
ANTH 3390 Disability and Difference (*new in 2022-23)
ANTH 4330 Medicine, Health and Culture



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