





如有任何問題,請致電人類學系 3943-7670/ 3943-7677 或電郵anthropology@cuhk.edu.hk



(1) 必修科目(3學分): ANTH1710 認識考古學

(2) 選修科目:

ANTH (至少從以下科目選修三科,其中至少一科為3000或以上程度之科目)
ANTH2710 中國考古學
ANTH2720 香港考古學
ANTH2740 解密過去:文化,考古與科學
ANTH2810 人類的演化
ANTH2820 法醫人類學
ANTH3323 人類學專題: Archaeology of Food (*2025年春季新課程, 可作為3000程度之科目)
ANTH3770 地方的形成: 景觀、文化與社會
ANTH3780 考古學研究方法
ANTH3790 考古學田野考察 

BIOL/CHEM/CUMT/ESSC/FAAS/GRMD/HIST/STAT (至少從以下科目選修兩科,其中至少一科為3000或以上程度之科目)
BIOL4510 香港植物及植被 (修讀條件: 已修讀 LSCI1002)
CHEM1072 基礎化學
CUMT2004 中國傳統物質文化
CUMT3009 中國古物詮釋
ESSC4120 岩石學 (修讀條件: 已修讀 ESSC2010)
FAAS1600 中國藝術傳統
FAAS2102 中國新石器至青銅時代藝術
FAAS2103 絲綢之路藝術
FAAS2104 中國早期陶瓷史
FAAS2113 亞洲藝術史入門──西亞、南亞、東南亞、中亞的藝術和考古
FAAS3104 瓷都景德鎮──晚期中國陶瓷史
FAAS3110 佛教藝術與建築
GRMD2104 環境遙感
GRMD2105 地理信息系統導論
GRMD2209 自然地質學
HIST2140 中國古代之國家與社會
HIST3106 漢代之區域文化
HIST4141 秦漢圖像與出土文書
HIST4142 古代中國物質文化史
HIST4390 古埃及文明之現代詮釋
STAT1012 生命科學統計



Vietnam Summer Field Trip 2020 (postponed to 2022)


Archaeological Field Work Internship 2019

Hunan, China (June 2019) Course outline (ANTH3790)

Graduation Year Final Year Project Title
2020 A Comparative Study of Foodways and Cultural Influence in Iron Age Southern Levant and the Western Zhou Dynasty (Ashleigh Bronwyn Ward)
Hong Kong Ceramic Study (Li Hoi Yin, Anson)
A Cultural Biography of Museum Objects: An Ethnographic Study on the Collections of Hong Kong Maritime Museum exhibition East Meets West: Maritime Silk Routes in the 13th – 18th Centuries (Szeto Huen Ting, Claudia)
2019 A Step Into The Past Xi’an Liujiawa Lujiahe Human Bones Investigation (Chung Keng Chin)
The globalization of early iron technology in the Han period: A case study of iron artifacts from GuanTian site, Hunan (CHUNG Lai Kwan)
Constructing the History of City of Victoria – Studying the Artifacts Excavated from Former Mountain Lodge, Former Police Married Quarters and Central Police Station Compound (Ho Wing Sze )
The Authenticity of Chinese-styled Pastries in Bakery: Case of Tai Tung Bakery, Hong Kong (Lee Wing Yan, Nicole)
《左傳》占卜敍事的人類學觀察—從敍事結構和場域看權力關係 (連麗㼆)
2018 Beyond the Rail: Reimagining Heritage through Hong Kong Tramways (Fung Lok Shan, Sonia)
Remembering Identity in Modernity: A Case Study of Festival Ritual in Hong Kong (LIU, Hsin-Yuan)
制造孫中山:紅樓的歷史塑造與文化遺產建構  (田穎儀)
2017 Understanding the Power of Language and Intercultural Cooperation in Hong Kong Maritime Museum (Lo Hei Yu, Stephanie)
Iron mines and churches in Ma On Shan Tsuen: heritage, late modernity and the tourist gaze (Ngan Siu Wa)
2016 Case Study on Sai Kung Nam Pin Wai Archaeological Site: The Possibility of Early Cultivation During the Late Neolithic Period ( Cheng Jing )
Culture in the Lab: The Role of Culture in Conservation in Hong Kong ( Lau Ka Yan )
Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum and Public Relationship ( Tsz Man Yi, Mandy)
2015 The Case Study of ‘Sacred Hill Savers’: Future Prospect of Hong Kong Public Archaeology (Fung Shuk Shan)
A Comparative Study of University Museums: the Nicholson Museum, the University of Sydney, and the Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Lam Ka Ki)
The Study of Craftsmanship of Oracle Bones Stored in United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Ng Kwan Yi, Gabriel)
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