視覺人類學 學生作品放映(一)


In Spring 2023, some of our students took the Visual Anthropology course, and made films with an ethnographic approach. We are very glad to be screening a few of these films. Come join us!


視覺人類學 學生作品放映(一)




Visual Anthropology Student Films Screening (1)

Date & Time: 6 September (Wed), 7-8:30 pm

Venue: Room 212, Lee Shau Kee Architecture Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (near University Station exit D)


作品 Films:


《炳叔的城市與色彩》 The City and Colors of Uncle Henry

Gao Qinyun, Xu Han

Duration: 40 minutes


Uncle Henry, a man blind from birth, lives in the vibrant city of Hong Kong. In his unique world, a mosaic of sensory perceptions and life experiences shapes his understanding and imaginative representation of colors. Through the perspective of two anthropology students and guided by Henry’s own narrative, the documentary invites us to delve into his urban lifestyle, granting insight into his extraordinary palette of colors.


《只是想畢業》 Thanks Mum 

Emilie Fu

Duration: 10 minutes


This video shows a student, a desperately-hoping-to-graduate student, attempting to make an anthoropogical-video. With mutiple times of failure, she turned to her last resort, by taking advantages of her kinship.

Remarks: The student may kick start a second project on documenting her informant’s ongoing-visit at the temples and the mentality of the group of young olds. Show your support by texting her through instagram: and_emilie. 


在此短片你將了解到一位學生的故事, 一位竭盡所能祈求可以順利畢業的學生, 嘗試利用人類學的角度去製片的的故事。數次的挫敗後, 別無他法, 她利用了僅有的血緣關係來換取畢業證書。

備註:此名學生有意展開第二階段拍攝計劃, 繼續紀錄她那名受訪者持續到寺院服務的日常, 以及中老年人活著的心態。你也可以給她一點鼓勵, 可以在instagram展開瘋狂對話: and_emilie

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