[Friday Seminar] Hang Kei Ho, “Haute Couture and Fashionable Beverages: Dark History, Changing Trends, and Luxury Consumption in East Asia”

You are cordially invited to join the Anthropology Friday Seminar on 20 October, in which Dr. Hang Kei Ho will explore how the global design and production of luxury beverages, fashion, and related industries are currently influenced by East Asia.


Title: Haute Couture and Fashionable Beverages: Dark History, Changing Trends, and Luxury Consumption in East Asia

Speaker: Hang Kei Ho (Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong & Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki)

Date: Friday, 20 October 2023

Time: 12:45-2:15pm

Mode: In-person

Venue: Room 114, Humanities Building, CUHK

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