李慧漱教授中國藝術史講座系列 Professor Hui-shu Lee Chinese Art History Lecture Series


Sponsored by Bei Shan Tang Foundation

講者 Speaker:

李慧漱教授 Prof. Hui-shu LEE


Visiting Scholar, Department of Fine Arts and Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK

Professor, Department of Art History, University of California, Los Angeles

精彩片段回顧 Lecture Highlights
Lecture 1
中國藝術的動因與性別表達 (節錄)
Agency and Gendered Expression in Chinese Art (Excerpt)

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Lecture 2
Mounting and Aesthetics: Reflections on Format Changes in the Transmission of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

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講座報名 Lecture Registration:


All three lectures are open for on-site attendance and Zoom Webinar live streaming, with simultaneous interpretation in Mandarin or English available during the live broadcast.


講座 1 中國藝術的動因與性別表達
Lecture 1   Agency and Gendered Expression in Chinese Art

日期Date: 20.03.2024 (Wed)
時間Time: 4:30pm-6:00pm (4pm 敬備茶點Tea Reception)
地點Venue: 香港中文大學文物館東翼二樓活動室

Activities Room, 2/F, East Wing, Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
語言Language: 普通話(網上直播設有英文即時傳譯)

Mandarin (with simultaneous interpretation in English via Webinar)


Jointly organized by Department of Fine Arts and Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK

摘要 Abstract



講座2 裝潢與審美:瑣談中國書畫裝幀格式的變革與流傳
Lecture 2   Mounting and Aesthetics: Reflections on Format Changes in the Transmission of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

日期Date: 23.03.2024 (Sat)
時間Time: 2:30pm-4:30pm
地點Venue: 香港藝術館B層演講廳Lecture Hall, B/F, Hong Kong Museum of Art
語言Language: 普通話(網上直播設有英文即時傳譯)

Mandarin (with simultaneous interpretation in English via Webinar)


Organized by the Hong Kong Museum of Art

Co-organized by Department of Fine Arts, CUHK

摘要 Abstract



講座3 一花一世界,一石一如來:全球化下的中國園
Lecture 3    To See a World in a Rock: Chinese Garden in a Global View

日期Date: 26.03.2024 (Tue)
時間Time: 4:30pm-6pm
地點Venue: 香港中文大學新亞書院梅雲堂地下許國浩堂

Hui Kwok Hau Hall, Mei Yun Tang, New Asia College, CUHK

語言Language: 英語 (網上直播設有普通話即時傳譯)

English (with simultaneous interpretation in Mandarin via Webinar)


Jointly organized by Department of Fine Arts and New Asia College, CUHK

摘要 Abstract




李慧漱,美國耶魯大學藝術史博士。曾任職於台北故宮博物院,目前任教于美國加州大學洛杉磯校區藝術史系。專長為中國繪畫、視覺文化、與性別議題,尤其側重宋畫與南宋時期的藝術。學術論著與出版涉及宋代書畫與園林、南宋杭州與西湖、女性與中國藝術史的建構、性別發聲與轉換, 以及晚明文化與八大山人; 偶亦涉獵現代與當代藝術。代表著作有Exquisite Moments: West Lake & Southern Song Art 《西湖與南宋藝術》 (New York: China Institute, 2001), Empresses, Art, and Agency in Song Dynasty China《上善若水:宋朝的后妃与女性藝術推手》(Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2010), 以及即將付梓的Picturing West Lake: The Poetics and Representation of An Iconic Place《圖畫西湖:勝景山水之呈現與再造》。



About the Speaker

Hui-shu LEE is Professor of Art History at UCLA. She received her doctorate degree from Yale University in 1994 after working in the Palace Museum, Taipei. Her field of specialization is Chinese painting and visual culture in the pre-modern era, with a particular focus on gender issues. She also works extensively on representations of place, cultural mapping, and gardens. Among her publications are Exquisite Moments: West Lake & Southern Song Art (New York: China Institute, 2001) and Empresses, Art, and Agency in Song Dynasty China (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2010). She is currently completing a book titled Picturing West Lake: the Poetics and Representation of An Iconic Place.



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