The Art of CUHK 2024 (Phase I)

June 2, 2024 - June 26, 2024


Department of Fine Arts & Art Museum, CUHK

B.A. Graduation Exhibition:

‘Once In A Blue Moon’
Gallery I, the Art Museum of The Chinese University of Hong Kong

M.F.A. Graduation Exhibition:

'TSUI Hou Lam: Hangnail' & 'CHEN Qi Yang: The Idea Before the Brush'
Room 310 & 311, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Annual Exhibition (includes the M.F.A. Year One Exhibition):

2-3/F, Cheng Ming Building, the Hui Gallery and the Chien Mu Library, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong

Opening Hours:

Monday to Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CLOSED on Thursdays)
Sunday and public holidays: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Opening Ceremony:

Time: 3:00 p.m., 1st June, 2024 (Saturday)
Opening venue: Gallery I, the Art Museum of The Chinese University of Hong Kong

B.A. Graduation Exhibition – ‘Once In A Blue Moon’

“Blue Moon” refers to the repeated presence of a full moon in the same month. This rare cosmic phenomenon symbolises preciousness, enchantment, and exceptional discord. As we lose grip of the control of our lives in this world of turbulence, we find ourselves drowning into an abyss of numbness, dithering in the mist.
The fortuitousness of the blue moon parallels its certainty, like how life is ephemeral yet planned, and how reincarnation repeats a cycle. The moon, which hovers eternally in the sky, is all that we have tonight.


The B.A. Graduation Exhibition of The Art of CUHK 2024 is titled “Once In A Blue Moon”.
Confronting all kinds of forces majeure, this year’s graduates catch hold of and piece together their gentlest glow into completeness under the blue moon night, contributing to a collective amalgamation of a common sentiment. Despite realising the uncertainty of reality, we take grasp of the transience with our works, hoping to see the paradise below the moon that breaks through the illusionary reality through art.
Even though our world is bleak, the precious blue moon reminds us of things that last in the eternity of time. As the darkness descends, let us cast our gaze skyward to behold the resplendent moon. Before the night ends and the blue moon befalls again, we shall embrace the moon tonight.


M.F.A. Graduation Exhibition: ‘TSUI Hou Lam: Hangnail’ & ‘CHEN Qi Yang: The Idea Before the Brush’
They will showcase their creative practices in various media, which presents their research on themes ranging from social, gender, identities and aesthetic issues, and offer multiple layers of perspectives and possibilities of artistic creation.


Annual Exhibition (includes M.F.A. Year One Exhibition)
Which is a unique exhibition amongst tertiary art institutions will be held. Composed by the selected artwork show and the curated show, our annual exhibition acts as an experimental opportunity for students to execute some curatorial ideas. This year we have 9 curated shows and over hundreds of artworks featuring in the annual exhibition.

The M.F.A. Year One Exhibition is presenting work of 4 research postgraduates in the art practice stream. Including FUNG Yee Tin, LAM Kwok Yam, LUI Yan Yi and TAN Benxi.


Enquiries: / 3943 7615
Guide Tour Enquiries:
Facebook: 中大藝術 The Art of CUHK
Instagram: theartofcuhk2024



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