B.A. & M.Phil (CUHK)
梁皓然是位艺术从业者、研究员和作家。他的研究范畴包括艺术与社会参与、创意教育及跨学科方法论。他任教艺术系的FAAS 4101:艺术与社会参与-暑期实习,带领系内学生到不同地区(香港,台湾,上海等)的机构进行实习,以跨学科的视野引导学生与艺术家、社工、企业家、设计师、治疗师、建筑师等人士合作和沟通。如欲联系,欢迎电邮hoyin.leung@cuhk.edu.hk
2019 August
Sharing and Participating – the ‘Commons’: Art Social Aesthetic Education Summit 2019
School of Art Administration and Education, China Academy of Art
Paper to be presented: ‘Model Analysis of Socially-engaged art organizations in Hong Kong’
2018 September
‘Borders Inside and Out’, Department of English, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Presented paper: ‘Within and beyond the barbed-wire fence – paintings from the archive of Art In the Camps‘
2018 August
22nd Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies
Presented paper :
‘The untold about Art In the Camps (1988-1991) – Interviews with involved artists‘
2017 October
The 10th Annual Conference of the Centre for Chinese Visual Arts, School of Art, Birmingham City University
Presented paper: ‘Art in the Camps(1988-1991): Refugee & Socially-engaged in the context of Contemporary Chinese Art‘