工作坊 II – 《读书会: 浅尝洪席耶》 Reading: a glimpse of Ranciere
日期:2019年 2 月 18 日 (一)
时间:上午 10 时 30 分 – 中午 12 时 30 分
导师:杨彩杰 博士(香港中文大学通识教育基础课程讲师)
为什么洪席耶常常在有关参与式艺术的论述里被提及?什么是 「distribution of the sensible」 ?为何一位政治哲学家会探讨美学的问题?这节读书会将介绍关于洪席耶的基本概念。鼓励参与的学生先阅读指定文章。请于213室索取指定文章。
Why is Ranciere referenced a lot in the realm of participatory art? What is ‘distribution of the sensible’? Why would a political philosopher write about aesthetics and art after years of thinking?
This reading session is designed to introduce a few Ranciere’s concepts through interviews with him. Students are expected to have read the assigned articles before participating the workshop. Please collect the assigned reading from Room 213.