Exhibit Type: Ethnographic Collection
Code: ANT00239
Name: Yongchun basket 永春竹籃
Date acquired: 1990s
Collector: Ding Yuling 丁毓玲
Acquisition method: Donation
Donated/ presented by (if a gift): Ding Yuling 丁毓玲
Geographic Origin: Quanzhou, Fujian, China 中國,福建,泉州
Conditions when acquired: Complete
Preservation and repairing method(s): Not required
Description and identification
Authenticity of the item (only for archaeological items):
Material (not applicable for archaeological replicas): Bamboo, lacquerware 竹,漆器
Colour: Red and black (paint); golden (flowery pattern)
No. of pieces: 1
Measurement (cm):
Ethnic origin:
Function/usage: Container 容器
Date item was made:
Application after acquisition (e.g. used for teaching, exhibition etc):
Additional information: Bamboo baskets painted with lacquer is a traditional handicraft of Yungchun, Quanzhou. Early migrants from Southern Fujian brought this craft to Southeast Asia and it becomes the cultural symbol of them, especially Baba Chinese. 竹篾編,外表上漆,是泉州市永春縣的傳統手工製品,由早期永春華僑帶來,成為永春人、尤其是峇峇(Baba)華人的文化象徵。
Present Location (if not same with usual storage): Dept Corridor #2
First recorded by: Catherine Wong (2007)