Exhibit Type: Ethnographic Collection
Code: ANT00045
Name: Didgeridoo
Date acquired:
Collector: Prof. David WU 吳燕和
Acquisition method:
Donated/ presented by (if a gift): Prof. David WU
Geographic Origin: Northern Territory, Australia 澳大利亞,北領地
Conditions when acquired: Complete, old
Preservation and repairing method(s): Not required
Description and identification
Authenticity of the item (only for archaeological items):
Material (not applicable for archaeological replicas): Wood 木
Colour: brown (background), dark brown (carvings)
No. of pieces: 1
Measurement (cm): 100 (L)
Ethnic origin: Australia Aborigine 澳大利亞原住民
Function/usage: Musical Instrument 樂器
Date item was made:
Application after acquisition (e.g. used for teaching, exhibition etc):
Additional information: Long flute-like musical instrument with ornamental carving, to be played by males.
Storage: UCA301
Present Location (if not same with usual storage):
First recorded by: Chan Y.W. (2007)