Exhibit Type: Ethnographic Collection
Code: ANT00453
Name: A packaging bag of "Chihshang Rice" (Chichang Mi)
Date acquired: June 2014
Collector: Dr. Chen Ju-chen
Acquisition method: Summer Fieldtrip
Donated/ presented by (if a gift):
Geographic Origin: Chihshang, Taitung, Taiwan 台灣台東池上
Conditions when acquired: Complete
Preservation and repairing method(s): Not required
Description and identification
Authenticity of the item (only for archaeological items):
Material (not applicable for archaeological replicas): Textile, nylon 織物,尼龍
Colour: Multicolored
No. of pieces: 1
Measurement (cm): 66 (L) x 56(W)
Ethnic origin: Chihshang, Taitung 台灣台東
Function/usage: Container, bag 容器,袋
Date item was made:
Application after acquisition (e.g. used for teaching, exhibition etc): The summer field trip exhibition 2014
Additional information: "Chichang Rice" is a co-brand, products and are produced and marketed in diversified ways. Apart from those who establish an operating lease with the rice merchants, there are also peasants marketing their own products with "Chichang Rice" being one of the examples.
Storage: UCA301
Present Location (if not same with usual storage):
First recorded by: Lam Ka Lok (2014)