Exhibit Type: Archeological Replica
Code: ANT00464
Name: Bronze Tripod "Ding" 銅鼎
Date acquired:
Collector: Prof. Tracey Lie Dan LU 呂烈丹
Acquisition method:
Donated/ presented by (if a gift): Prof. Tracey Lie Dan LU 呂烈丹
Geographic Origin: Guangdong, China
Conditions when acquired: Complete
Preservation and repairing method(s): Not required
Description and identification
Authenticity of the item (only for archaeological items): Replica
Material (not applicable for archaeological replicas): Bronze 青銅器
Colour: Bronze green
No. of pieces: 2
Measurement (cm): 11 (L) x 13 (W) x 11 (T)
Ethnic origin:
Function/usage: Tourist souvenir, cooking utensil, ceremonial, container
Date item was made:
Application after acquisition (e.g. used for teaching, exhibition etc):
Additional information: 銅鼎,最早是中國古代帝王的禮器,故有"九鼎"之稱,后演為炊器或容器。此鼎為廣州西漢南越王趙眜墓出土文物的仿制品。鼎蓋有"蕃禺"刻銘,蕃禺為南越國的都城,即現在的廣州市。 - 廣州南越王墓博物館 This bronze tripod "Ding" is a duplication of which excavated from the Mausoleum of the Nan Yue King of Western Han Dynasty, with the inscription "Pan Yu" on the Lid. Pan Yu City is the capital of Nan Yue Kingdom, and is now where Guangzhou municipality locates. Tripod “Ding” is originally used for imperial etiquette, and late became cooking utensil or container. 包裝盒內另附紙條,內容如下: 「穗港一家親的“蕃禺”銅鼎- 廣州市政府贈送香港特區政府的紀念品 1983年,廣州發現西漢南越國的第二代王陵,出土9件刻有"蕃禺"銘文的銅鼎;1955年,九龍李鄭屋發現東漢磚墓,磚上印有"番禺大治曆"、 "大吉番禺"等文字。番禺(番古作蕃)是秦始皇時南海郡的屬縣,即今廣州;香港九龍為番禺轄境。考古發現說明,二千年前穗港兩地是一家的歷史親緣。」
Storage: UCA301
Present Location (if not same with usual storage):
First recorded by: Lam Ka Lok (2014)