

What are We Celebrating: Multicultural Festivals in Hong Kong

Editors: Prof. Siumi Maria Tam and Dr. Wai-man Tang

Wheatear Publishing

ISBN: 978-988-12842-6-6

Hong Kong is a multicultural society. Each of the various ethnic groups has its own traditions, beliefs, and customs.

Readers of this book are led through different ethnic festivals in Hong Kong, to find out how different ethnic communities have contributed to the city's colorful multicultural context. Through different aspects of life such as food, religion, and gender, we learn how ethnic groups maintain their cultural values and social identity in daily life. The festivals in this book are ordered according to the season they appear in, allowing readers to take part in the festivals accordingly.

Come take part in Hong Kong's multicultural space, and appreciate one another's culture. This is the essence of a global, metropolitan society.

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